Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Doctor Commits Suicide over Covid Vaxx Lies

By Jesse Mossman
Tue, Nov 16, 2021 12:37 a.m.

"​​Dr. Thomas Jendges committed suicide by jumping from the roof of the hospital. In his suicide note, the doctor allegedly justified his move by saying that he could no longer tolerate “constant lies and cheating about supposedly harmless vaccinations” related to Covid.

Dr. Thomas Yenges wrote a rather impressive suicide letter, which he demanded to be published. In it, he is said to have sharply criticized the government’s information policy regarding the dangers of vaccinations against Covid-19. The doctor could no longer stand the constant lie that vaccinations were supposedly harmless. And he could no longer deceive patients."


I wonder how many patients he deceived and caused to get the "vaccines" which killed or maimed them? Across the nation there are hundreds of thousands of such criminals--doctors, hospital administrators, bureaucrats, politicians, etc. who lied that the "vaccines" were safe and effective. And then there are the collaborators--corporate executives who coerced employees to get vaxxed or get fired. They all have blood on their hands. Unfortunately, most will escape justice and do not have adequate consciences, as Dr. Jendges did, to end their deceptions.


Anonymous said...

Death penalty seems appropriate for Covid crimes--whether the punishment is self inflicted or not.


eahilf said...

Briefly searching German media, the claim of a suicide note (Abschiedsbrief) seems a little dodgy to me -- ?

One report of its existence (I'm not familiar with this site):

Chemnitzer Klinik-Chef geht mutmaßlich wegen Impfungslüge in den Freitod

In seinem Abschiedsbrief soll er seinen Schritt unter anderem damit begründet haben, dass er das im Zusammenhang mit Covid stehende »ständige Lügen und Betrügen über angeblich ungefährliche Impfungen« nicht länger aushalten könne.

He could no longer live/deal with the lies about the COVID vaccine being safe -- he saw his death as a way to protest/show he would not be part of these crimes (Verbrechen) -- while he requested the note be published, allegedly the mayor of Chemnitz is preventing that.


Denn einen solchen Abschiedsbrief soll es nicht gegeben haben. Auf Nachfrage der dpa bestätigte ein Sprecher des Bürgermeisters diese Woche: "Nein, uns ist kein Abschiedsbrief bekannt." ... Auch die Polizei bestätigte diese Woche, dass ihnen kein Abschiedsbrief bekannt sei.

The mayor of Chemnitz and the police deny such a note exists.

Of course this does not necessarily mean it doesn't exist; a whistleblower could have revealed both its existence and its contents -- ?

Chemnitz was the scene of the infamous 2017 'Hetzjagd' that never happened.

Anonymous said...

Someone could have thrown him off the roof when it became apparent he would no longer play their vax game.

Anonymous said...

I've never believed in all these vaccine lies from the start!