Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Medical Authorities Have Lost the Public's Trust

By "W"
Wed, Nov 10, 2021 6:31 a.m.

AMA Guide to "Advancing Health Equity":


Anonymous said...

Used to be that lawyers were the lowest form of life, but lawyers generally just steal your money. Doctors kill and maim. The healthcare establishment from government bureaucrats to scientists to hospital administrators to doctors have become whores to the drug companies. The suppression of cheap, safe drugs to prevent infection and cure the Fauci-Wuhan Virus was all about getting emergency approval of the clot shots and making big bucks for the drug companies. These shots never did do what the fake studies claimed and now hospitals are full of people suffering from the shots--which doctors continue to ignore and deny. Even before Wuhan, doctors were drug pushers--pushing statins even though studies show they only benefited one kind of patient--the middle aged man who already had one heart attack. For others, they caused more harm than good including increased cancer.

Anonymous said...

There's a segment on WZZM-13 called "We Verify"(a stolen title from a national group)by the local station to "verify" information or--in most cases-- debunk what they consider to be false rumors.

This week,they set their target on Ivermectin.The young,VERY thin and quite busty reporter,talked to one doctor who advised that "it's dangerous and not approved for Covid.Besides,you'd have to take so much of it to cure the illness--that you'd probably overdose."

The segment is likely on their website(I didn't look).

Final analysis:Ivermectin does NOT help ease any symptoms of coronavirus.Believe them or not.


eahilf said...

>The suppression of cheap, safe drugs

Before that it was the suppression of naturopathic and homeopathic medicine in order to promote allopathic medicine:

How Rockefeller Created the Business of Western Medicine

I think most doctors are well-meaning, but a healthy skepticism has always been advisable where it concerns your own healthcare -- the challenge is to find a competent, knowledgeable doctor who isn't too egoistic to work with you in this respect.

Anonymous said...

Big time "lost". We have been sold a bad bill of goods and it only is getting worse. Bad for the society as a whole to undermine the trust between the populace and the medical profession.

Anonymous said...

Final analysis with Covid is that they will develop a whole range of therapeutics rather than and endless of boosters to counter the virus.