Thursday, November 11, 2021

Hakeem Jeffries: blacks Have a License to Kill, While Whites Have a Duty to Die, Unless the Whites are Murderous Communists or Anarchists, and Thus Enjoy Honorary black status

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix


eahilf said...

Like most tabloids, the NYPost often plays both sides -- you see the same in e.g. Bild and Daily Mail -- here they publish a sympathetic article on Gaige Grosskreutz, who only a day or so ago admitted under oath that Rittenhouse only shot him when Grosskreutz advanced on Rittenhouse with a weapon in his hand:

Man shot by Kyle Rittenhouse reacts to gunman’s emotional testimony

Gaige Grosskreutz, 27, a paramedic shot in the arm, said it was “emotional” to watch Rittenhouse, 18, testify about injuring him and killing two other men last summer as riots broke out in the city over racial injustice.

I don't think he was there in his capacity as a paramedic -- anyone who's at all interested has seen the video of him menacing Rittenhouse with a gun in his hand.

And the cause of the riots was the shooting of Jacob Blake, who resisted arrest -- he broke free of cops and attempted to enter his vehicle, where cops had every right to assume he had a weapon -- so naturally they shot him -- he was shot in the back because that was the target he offered the cops.

A fundraiser on behalf of Grosskreutz has raised almost $80k on GoFundMe (link), where he's called a 'hero', whereas Rittenhouse, who was clearly defending himself, was not allowed to fundraise for his defense on that platform.

America has become a rather sick place.

Anonymous said...

This negro agitator it is suggested has aspirations to become Speaker of the House if and when the Nancy girl finally retires. We should be so lucky.

"America has become a rather sick place."


Sebastian Hawks said...

Trump really caused the democratic elites to double down on their alliance with blacks and elevating these dummies into all positions of their ranks is really showing. Trump bent over backwards to avoid offending blacks to no effect 95% of them passionately hate him still. I think it's his ability to rally whites that scares the bejesus out of them. They know their position in life today is artificial and very tenuous and fear the inevitable day natural order is restored and these dummies are back on the very, very bottom of society where most of them belong. Even though Kyle Rittenhouse killed white scumbags, not blacks, they still hate the fact he stood up to the black run "legalize crime" riots. They rue the day the people no longer have to pretend Caligula's Horse was a Senator...