Friday, November 05, 2021

University of North Carolina Board Votes to Maintain Illegal, Unconstitutional, Morally Despicable Regime of Racial Discrimination; black supremacist Student Body President Calls Trustee’s Motion to End Racial Discrimination, “Disrespectful”

By Merlin
Fri, Nov 5, 2021 1:49 p.m.

N.S.: Affirmative action violates the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the 1964 U.S. Civil Rights Act, and basic human decency.

black undergraduate student body President Lamar Richards is upset, because one of the slaves got uppity.

“‘I’m concerned with the notion that diversity brings a lowering of standards,’ said Teresa Artis Neal, one of three Black board members. She noted that the incoming class of students has some of the highest academic achievements and is extremely diverse.”

It’s not a notion, it’s a fact, and she knows it. “Some of the highest academic achievements” is just diversity baby-talk.

“University of North Carolina Board Rejects Trustee’s Move to Ban Preferential Treatment Based on Race”


eahilf said...

>It’s not a notion, it’s a fact, and she knows it.

Maybe she knows it, maybe not; in general, Blacks are not big on 'looking at the data', since most of it makes them, as a group, look pretty bad -- more importantly, what she certainly does know is that the entire media and political establishments will back her view, even against esteemed individuals who offer evidence/data to the contrary -- ask James Watson.

I have a counterintuitive, some would say accelerationist, view of this sort of thing; it doesn't bother me that much anymore -- in fact, the more of it now (rather than later) the better, in the frog/boiling water sense -- more Whites need to see what a fraud diversity is, and that 'diversity is our greatest strength' is one of the biggest lies of the modern era, which took advantage of sincere goodwill on the part of Whites to function as a smokescreen for the creeping racial conquest of America -- I think/hope one of the best ways to get Whites to see this reality is for diversity to result in tangible harm to their own children -- and having their children denied admission to a university of their choice while 'persons of color' with significantly poorer qualifications are admitted is one way to do that.

eahilf said...

>Illegal, Unconstitutional

At the moment, unfortunately, this is not (formally) true -- re explicit racial preferences in higher education admissions, current 'law of the land' is Grutter v Bollinger (2003), where SCOTUS found that society generally had a 'compelling interest' in diversity which justified explicit preferences -- this can reasonably be seen as another kind of 'disparate impact' via Vulcan Society v FDNY -- note the link takes you to an organization called 'Center for Constitutional Rights' -- here's what they say about their involvement with this suit:

The case is part of CCR's long history of fighting for racial justice.

So to them the fact Blacks were too dumb to score high enough on the same FDNY written exam taken by all applicants is somehow a 'constitutional' issue -- that's how deep the rot is.

BTW, CCR was founded by two Jews (link, link, link), and is today largely staffed by Jews and a freakish Noah's Ark assortment of humanity (link) -- yet if you point out how Jews are front and center in undermining America you'll be called an anti-Semite.

>Morally Despicable Regime

It is that, yes.