Friday, November 05, 2021

black, Philadelphia Train Rapist, Fiston Ngoy, Alias Jack Falcon Should Never Have been Permitted on American Soil; His Many Known Crimes (with Surely Many More Unknown) were All Foreseeable

[Re: “A Partial History of the Free Crimes Issued to black, illegal alien Subway Rapist, Fiston Ngoy, aka Jack Falcon.”

By Jerry PDX
Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 5:25:00 P.M. EDT

He should never been allowed in this country in the first place. Here is a little information about the Democratic Republic of Congo and sexual violence:

These African alien invaders are almost young men, and they bring the same mentality with them they had back home.

But these articles always like to blame mass rape of women and children in Africa on “conflict zones,” and while that might exacerbate the issue of sexual violence to a degree, they don’t account for the fact that it’s endemic within the culture itself. Here is some info about Bogaletch Gebre, an Ethiopian woman’s rights activist (I don’t put quotes around her name because she’s the real deal, unlike the fake Western ones we are used to) who devoted her life to fighting female genital mutilation and the ancient cultural tradition of kidnap and rape of young girls in Africa:

Ms. Gebre is now deceased, but she is one person who went to her grave knowing she’d actually done something meaningful with her life. She was born in Ethiopia and suffered FGM as a young girl, then emigrated to the US and got educated. Unlike the phonies we see daily in the media here who moan about being kept down by the White man, she returned to Africa and her home to help girls escape the cycle of sexual violence and mutilation that have been in practice since the dawn of time. She is credited with reducing FGM and marriage rape by about 90% in the region around her home village. I saw some estimates saying she may have reduced it around 3% nationwide in Ethiopia, which seems like a small number but that could still be 100s of thousands of young girls not mutilated or raped.

Is there even one single so-called “activist” we see in the news every day complaining about fake hate crimes or phony police harassment that has accomplished anything similar? No, not a one. Every time I see those bloated poseurs crying their crocodile tears, I feel nauseous.


Anonymous said...

Sub-Saharan Africans as noted commit a whole lot of murder and rape in their own lands. They just import the mentality here.

The none nation with a murder rate similar to that of WASH DC. Rhodesia. They call it Zimbabwe now.

Anonymous said...

It's in de blood. This is how Niggy Nig and the Monkey Bunch like to behave, born here or otherwise.