Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Parole Oddities: Why Do Some Heinous Killers Get Released Much Earlier than Others?

“Savage, Racist Murderer Paroled from ‘Life’ Sentence: A David in TN Exclusive Report”; and

“Manson Girl Leslie Van Houten was Recommended for Parole Again Today.”

By David in TN
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 1:03:00 A.M. EST

Vernon Robinson’s murder of Thora Rose in 1963 was far more egregious than Leslie Van Houten’s actions. Robinson’s 2018 parole was approved by then-Governor Jerry Brown.

And the explanation is:

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 11:41:00 A.M. EST

She’s White—only blacks and illegals are released early. For Van Houten, it doesn’t matter at this point, does it? Getting out, after 50 years of residing at the Greybar Hotel, isn’t an “early release” by my math. Meanwhile, Rodney Reed left HIS hotel after 20 years—as one example.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All the states have different laws that govern these decisions. What occurs or does not occur in one state is not always the same as in a neighboring state.