Monday, November 08, 2021

SHOCKING: Shots Fired in Poland, as Thousands of Muslim Migrants Rush Border Crossing - Military is Deployed, Warsaw Warns "Major Shooting Incident" is Possible - (VIDEO)

By R.C.
Mon, Nov 8, 2021 4:34 p.m.

SHOCKING: Shots Fired in Poland, as Thousands of Muslim Migrants Rush Border Crossing - Military is Deployed, Warsaw Warns "Major Shooting Incident" is Possible - (VIDEO)


Anonymous said...

Don't eff with the kielbasa people.


eahilf said...

link -- "Derzeit landen in Belarus täglich etwa 800 bis 1.000 Migranten, wie die 'Welt am Sonntag' unter Berufung auf deutsche Sicherheitskreise berichtete. Demnächst können demnach fünf weitere belarussische Flughäfen aus dem Nahen Osten angeflogen werden"

German security sources say currently 800 - 1000 migrants land in Belarus (Minsk) every day -- soon there could be up to 5 additional daily flights.

The migrants are being flown directly to Minsk from airports in the Middle East; from Minsk they are basically herded to the borders of the EU: Latvia, Lithuania, Poland -- it's presumed this is being done by authorities in Belarus under direct orders from president Lukashenko -- there are two factors: 1) Lukashenko wants revenge against the EU for imposing sanctions, and 2) the known pull of lax EU asylum policy in recent years, led by the Merkel regime of course.

It's Camp of the Saints by airplane -- this has been going on since June -- for weeks in German media the talk has not been of stopping the flow and sending them back, but rather ramping back up as in 2015 in order to accommodate all the new Flüchtlinge.

I saw a German language video where migrants on the border between Belarus and Poland were interviewed -- they all want to transit thru Poland on the way to Germany; they are not interested in staying in Poland -- so more likely than shooting, Poland may just allow them to transit and then they will be Germany's problem for now -- due to the free flow of people within the EU, if they are allowed to stay they will be the EU's problem later -- this kind of thing will increase tensions in the EU, especially between Brussels and countries like Poland and Hungary.

After elections in Sep, there is still no new government in DE -- the coalition negotiations are still ongoing -- it looks like Merkel's party (CDU) will not be part of the new government -- but all of the coalition parties (Greens, SPD, FDP) are, if anything, even worse on migration, if you can believe that.

eahilf said...

link -- "Das belarussische Regime greift die polnische Grenze, die EU in beispielloser Weise an“, sagt Polens Staatspräsident Andrzej Duda, an der EU-Außengrenze spitzt sich die Lage mit Tausenden Migranten weiter zu

The president of Poland says this is an unprecedented attack on Poland and the EU by the Lukashenko regime in Belarus -- with more migrants arriving every day, the situation on the border between Belarus and Poland is worsening.

The way I personally see it: Lukashenko knows the EU has no backbone; it is run by women and cowardly men -- outside of France and England (not relevant here), EU nations have weak and largely useless military forces, which they never use to defend their borders anyway.

So he will keep up the pressure, flying in more and more migrants, then sending them to the border -- the humanitarian situation will worsen, and eventually the EU will fold; the Germans will do what they always do: agree to accept a lot of these migrants, but also say they must be distributed throughout the EU -- many EU nations will refuse (Austria, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, likely the Netherlands also) -- Italy and Spain already take in too many due to their geographical location -- France usually agrees to take some.

It's also possible the EU will ask Putin to intervene with Lukashenko -- Russia does a lot of important business with the EU; the EU is much more important to Russian than Belarus.

It's hard to predict what the political fallout will be -- EU governments, and to a large extent its citizens, are so cucked that it is hard to see a strong backlash -- like I said: Lukashenko knows this.

eahilf said...

>the Germans will do what they always do: ...

link -- Es wird deutlich, was mit der neuen Regierung zu erwarten ist, SPD und Grüne mit Kritik an Polens Vorgehen: "Die Grundrechte, darunter der Zugang zu Asyl, müssen an den europäischen Außengrenzen jederzeit gewahrt werden." Pushbacks seien "menschenunwürdig"

It's becoming clear how the new German government will behave -- politicians from the Green Party and the SPD (two of the coalition partners) are criticizing Poland, saying the basic right to apply for asylum must be respected, and 'pushbacks' are inhumane.

This could develop into a small moment of truth with implications for the future of the EU -- hopefully some nations will realize that if they want to remain European/retain a European demographic majority, they have to leave the EU and take control of their borders.

They also have to reject the 1951 refugee treaty.