Monday, November 08, 2021

A Texas Reader Says Non-Working Politicians are the Source of Working Man Walter Abbott's Woes

By A Texas Reader
Mon, Nov 8, 2021 3:20 p.m.

A Texas Reader Says Non-Working Politicians are the Source of Working Man Walter Abbott's Woes

ATR: Funny, but almost 12 years later and nothing has gotten better.

Oh yeah, murder rate has skyrocketed here in Texas thanks to Jeb's folks.

He's getting too many contributions from the big builders. When I go out to more rural areas up towards Grayson County, even Celina and Parker County, I see a lot of white guys doing the construction trades
Dan Crenshaw is a clown.
A buffoon.
And a clownish buffoon.
Here are the Texans' comments, received since February 14, via e-mail:

"Thanks for your Valentine's Day VDARE.COM piece on Texas illegal immigration. BTW, I used to do construction work here in Dallas, Texas.  It was during the summer of 1978.  I did commercial roofing along with other whites, as well as blacks and Mexican-Americans.  I fail to understand how Dallas or Houston could come to a 'standstill' if illegals were deported.
"As for the racial makeup of illegals, ask yourself, 'Why does George Bush focus only on illegal aliens from Mexico, and not, say, from Ireland or Haiti?'
"And your reader failed to mention the explosive rise in the murder rate here in Dallas.  Just this morning another Mexican, probably an illegal, was murdered in the northern Dallas suburb of Lewisville.  I drove through this part of Lewisville not more than an hour after the attack!  Lewisville used to be a sleepy bedroom suburb.
"Last, property taxes have skyrocketed here in Texas to pay for the education of the American (sic) offspring of illegals. 
"Why does the one Dallas letter writer fail to mention this?" 

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