Monday, November 01, 2021

In Belgium, Moslems Publicly Commit Savage Attack on a Bus on a Middle-Aged White Woman, with Dozens of Witnesses

By Pax Romana
Monday, November 1, 2021 at 4:38:00 A.M. EDT

Another example of the “Joys of Diversity,” “The Religion of Peace,” and “White Privilege”....

You can bet the msm will ignore the following story, or in the very least, not show the video.

This needs to be sent around far and wide. The video is very disturbing, as this screaming, suffering, poor White woman appears to have a large piece of her scalp and forehead severed from her skull and hanging down in front of her eye and face. Do not look at it, if you have a weak stomach. It is a scene nightmares are made of. How long can this horrific abuse go on, before Whites unite as one people against it?

WARNING! DISTURBING VIDEO: Muslim Mob [Apparently Mocks, Beats, Mutilates, and Then] Throws Elderly [White] Woman Off Bus in Belgium [as She Sits in the Street Crying, Covered in Her Blood from a Large Gaping Wound on Her Head].

October 31, 2021

“The left deliberately imported this savagery into the West and stand with these neanderthals.”


“In the minute-long clip, a woman with a shopping trolley is seen on a bus, involved in an apparent heated argument with a group of people. Laughter and the crying of a child is heard in the background while someone calls the woman a racist. The video then cuts off, and continues with the woman screaming on the ground outside the bus, her head covered in blood. She holds on to her overcoat and trolley, her clothes soaked in blood.”

“The incident happened on Wednesday evening, when the 57-year-old woman was traveling on a bus full of passengers from Antwerp to a village near the city. The actual fight [sic] is not seen in the video, but the result appears to be a gaping wound on the woman’s head. She was hospitalized with a serious injury and her condition is still ‘worrying,’ local media reports, adding that the bus driver was so shocked by the incident, he required counseling.”


Anonymous said...

Majority a bus,subway car or neighborhood,The more non-Whites you have in a centralized location,the more the chances of violent crimes against Whites there will be.

If a White female goes to a party that's majority black,the odds of being raped or raped/murdered are quite good-- unless she gives if up voluntarily(a.k.a.mudshark).

Social norms--such as law and order--are only present where 90% plus of the people in that group are White--be it cities or a small gathering.

A bus where a White is outnumbered 10 to 1 is in severe danger.


Anonymous said...

"The actual fight [sic] is not seen in the video"

Not a FIGHT. A gang of savages attacking a defenseless older woman. Bastards.