Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Fake President Joe Biden - King of the Faux Pas - Calls Sports Legend a “Great Negro”

By N.S.



Anonymous said...

He,of course,meant to say "burrhead "...j-boo...niggaboy-- and just got confused for a minute.That's our prez.
I'm surprised he didn't call Satchel Paige--Satchmo.

eahilf said...

He's obviously cognitively compromised and has been for some time, including before and during the election -- the real story here is how a corrupt system, fully aware of Biden's dementia and age-related infirmity, nonetheless backed his candidacy (after demonizing Trump non-stop for 4 years), forcing him on the American people as president.

Anonymous said...

At that exact period of time Satchel was a negro. That is how they were referred to and not with malice. Satchel played in the Negro Leagues.