Wednesday, November 10, 2021

"Don't Get Brazen with Me!" - Judge RIPS INTO Rittenhouse Prosecutor (VIDEO)

By R.C.
Wed, Nov 10, 2021 2:56 p.m.

"Don't Get Brazen with Me!" - Judge RIPS INTO Rittenhouse Prosecutor (VIDEO)

R.C.: I have been on two criminal juries.

The first was a child abuse case.

The second was an animal abuse case.

In both courtrooms the decorum was respectful towards the judge, deferential even.

The DA is a dick for shooting off his mouth.

The judge can make his life miserable.


Anonymous said...

The judge can recommend that the DA lose his law license. Be disbarred.

The DA is a fool.

Anonymous said...

That judge was pissed and should have been big time. That DA with an egregious display of disdain for Constitutional rights.