Thursday, July 08, 2021


By An Old Friend
Mon, May 31, 2021 11:58 p.m.


AOF: It's also been clear for decades that they sometimes wander quite far afield from civil liberties and specifically in ways consistent with being just another leftist grievance lobby.

N.S. I have no doubt that most such op-eds are ghosted by political organizations, including the publications themselves. Case in point: The op-ed by Rob Tibbetts, the father of Mollie Tibbetts, the murder victim of illegal alien, Cristhian Bahena Rivera.


Anonymous said...

But why won't the ACLU corruption be addressed by the entity whose job it is to investigate such matters--our Justice Department?Because the Justice Department--along with the FBI--is probably the only place MORE politically corrupt than the ACLU.

It's at least too close to call.

Anonymous said...

"traditional not-for-profits and institutions have now become fundraising grifts and hatchet shakedown operations completely unrelated to their original missions"

SPLC. BLM. PUSH. Etc. Jesse Jackson good at that sorta stuff. Al Sharpton too. Negroes can do something good after all.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Speaking of Mollie Tibbets, read how Mollie's Aunt tries to elicit sympathy for poor Christhian:
It's beyond disgusting but one of the cardinal rules of Wokism is that White female rights to live and not be sexually assaulted are less important than the rights of non White killers or rapists. It's a fundamental rule that has become encoded in our culture since Emmit Til.

BTW Check out the photo of Rivera and tell me he doesn't have negro blood in him.