Thursday, July 08, 2021

A House Divided Cannot Stand: Chapter of blm terrorists and cop-killers Declares American Flag Hate Symbol

By Merlin

Wed, Jul 7, 2021 11:38 p.m.
A HOUSE DIVIDED CANNOT STAND: blm Chapter Declares U.S. Flag Hate Symbol

blm Chapter Declares U.S. Flag Hate Symbol; Denounces Those Who Fly It as Unsafe, Racist, Stupid

"We will proactively destroy the systems that continue to give you the power to marginalize people of color. Period."
By  Jon Brown
Jul 7, 2021
Protesters burn a US flag in Portland, Oregon on November 4, 2020, during a demonstration called by the "Black Lives Matter" movement, a day after the US Presidential Election

The Utah chapter of Black Lives Matter (BLM) condemned those who display the American flag, which they described as "a symbol of hatred."

"When we Black Americans see this flag we know the person flying it is not safe to be around," the post read. "When we see this flag we know the person flying it is a racist. When we see this flag we know that the person flying it lives in a different America than we do. When we see this flag, we question your intelligence. We know to avoid you. It is a symbol of hatred."
[N.S.: If only. They go out of their way to terrorize and murder American patriots.]
The chapter went on to taunt those who found the post offensive, commenting, "Welcome racists. We know you are big mad about the racist flag post. You will not be heard here. You will be blocked and your comments will be deleted. We will be donating $1 to AOC's election campaign for every racist that we block. Thank you for contributing to the re-election of AOC. We will jot down your names and attribute each donation to you. Comment below to help her once again head to Washington."
BLM Utah went on to post several more lengthy comments insulting those who disapproved, accusing them of being triggered Karens who don't care about black lives. They also promised to destroy the systems that allegedly perpetuate racism.
"Search deep within yourself and ask yourself why you are so triggered when people talk about racism," they wrote in part. "You are triggered because it makes you uncomfortable to know that you are complicit. You don't want to hear about it, you just want to continue to perpetuate it without consequences. We do not have to remain silent about it. We will not bow down to you. We will not beg you to stop being racist. We will proactively destroy the systems that continue to give you the power to marginalize people of color. Period."
"We will not leave a country that our ancestors built [lie] because your ancestors were too lazy to do their own work," BLM Utah also wrote. "Don't tell us to go back to Africa. You can go directly back to Europe because you are on stolen land."
BLM Utah's post echoed the sentiments of Reps. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Cori Bush (D-MO), who spent the Fourth of July complaining about the United States and the Declaration of Independence. As The Daily Wire reported:
"July 4th… & so, the Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal. Equal to what? What men? Only white men? Isn't it something that they wrote this in 1776 when African Americans were enslaved? They weren't thinking about us then, but we're thinking about us now!" Waters tweeted.
"Further, the Dec. of Ind. says we hold these truths to be 'self-evident'… yet: – 17 states have enacted voter suppression laws – Supreme Court gutted Sec. 5 of the Voting Rights Act – George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice Need I say more? #July4" she added.
"When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they're referring to is for white people," Bush tweeted. "This land is stolen land and Black people still aren't free."


Anonymous said...

It appears a massive conflict is inevitable between Patriots and blm/commies--of which there are millions on both sides.Whites won't trigger it,but we will have to respond when the moment of racial insanity is reached--and the riots begin again--but THIS time,spreading to the neighborhoods.

The blacks--along with their commie allies--are upping the rhetoric to hysterical levels of racist fervor.They not only feel it is their ordained right to "get Whitey",they feel obligated and also that they have massive support to attempt such a bloodletting.

Probably before 2024's election.


Anonymous said...


GRA:Timing is everything and unfortunately,mine was horrific tonight,as I tuned in to see an Asian reporter in Madison Wisconsin,tell the (White)viewers they must atone for years of racism and privilege.
She did this by talking to guilty Whites,a queer black and White male couple,who run an art studio,who are having Whites walk up to their window and write how sorry we are to be smart and White.

One White woman apologized on air,while the queers admonished the rest of Whites who haven't.Other Whites promised to hire more blacks and listen to them about their opinions.

We KNOW their opinion:KILL WHITEY.
Bizarre reporting--strictly for propaganda purposes.


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