Sunday, December 06, 2020

White San Diego Teachers Forced to Attend Illegal, Immoral, Unconstitutional "White Privilege" Training, Told "You are racist"

By R.C.
Sun, Dec 6, 2020 12:02 p.m.

San Diego Teachers Forced to Attend "White Privilege" Training, Told "You are racist"

I don't understand why no Whites sue for violation of their First and Fourteenth Amendment rights, and for the training violating the U.S. Civil Rights Act.

Subject: San Diego teachers forced to attend 'white privilege' training, told 'you are racist'
wait until more Whites get woke - then they will have reasons to be a bit racist - when they observe minorities in action 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was quite common in the Soviet Union I guess. We need self-criticism sessions too. Chairman Mao style. Better not gibs dem's any ideas.