Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Supreme Court’s Death Warrant for the American People, in 51 Words

Re-Posted by Nicholas Stix


Note the plaintiff to whom the court did grant certiorari.


By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Friday, December 11, 2020 at 9:28:00 P.M. EST

For 60 years, the Supreme Court has struck down laws and stuck their collective noses into social mores and practices of White Americans, to the detriment and destruction of this country. Now, at a point in history where we needed them to get involved—they declined.

Their silence spoke decibels—comparable to the sounds of an Apollo rocket ship taking off—also the sound of America leaving the planet as well.


By Anonymous
Friday, December 11, 2020 at 9:51:00 P.M. EST

Incredible, these weasels don’t see why a state would have an interest in other states defying the Constitution and putting in place systems that allow free elections—and ultimately freedom itself—from being destroyed. These are worthless people only looking out for their own professional careers. I would trust a guy off a construction site before these clowns.


N.S.: For over 70 years, since Shelley v. Kramer (1948), the Supremes have looked into whatever is in the interest of normal, patriotic Whites, and ruled agin it. This is yet another case of that.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again these lawyers hiding in black robes have shown themselves to be complete assclowns. I suggest we end the custom of referring to judges as "your honor"--these people are not honorable in the least. They are willing to sell out the greatest country which has ever existed to communists and Chinese. People should spit on them. They are nothing but self-serving scum who are feathering their own nests.