Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Sore Winner Joe Biden

-----Original Message-----
From: New York Sun <>
Sent: Tue, Dec 15, 2020 7:27 a.m.

Why the High Dudgeon in Biden's Victory Speech?

Why the High Dudgeon in Biden's Victory Speech?
The New York Sun

Why the High Dudgeon in Biden's Victory Speech?

Editorial of The New York Sun | December 15, 2020

For a politician who has won the largest popular vote in American history and says it is time "to unite, to heal," President-elect Biden struck us, in his remarks on his electoral college victory, as a bit off. It isn't the throat clearing and coughing that bother us. It is the former vice president's suggestion, en passant, that his is the only camp animated by an attachment to democracy. That strikes us as a bit churlish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The question is, who do we get on a day to day basis?Does Joe Biden wake up one day and he's regressed back to his 1980s and 90s anti-black self?Or does he listen to Harris' whispering in his ear--that all blacks should be released from prison?
Or does he just sit there at a table,drooling on himself,while "Dr."Jill deftly moves his pen-held hand on various EOs that she (or others)want signed?

Will we get leaks about Biden,like we constantly did about Trump?

"Trump is unhinged","Trump's cabinet wants him replaced"-- you remember.

Will we be able to hear such inside info about "Crazy Joe"?His mental lapses,falling asleep while the US is threatened by a foreign country,Depends accidents,calling his wife,"Mommy",calling Kamala his wife.
Probably not--the "Iron Curtain" will be up.

Which leads me to one last,great question:What WILL the media fill up their airtime with everyday for the next couple years--until Biden disappears?