Wed, Dec 9, 2020 8:44 p.m.
Ted Cruz Announces He's Agreed to Argue Key Election Case in Supreme Court
Alan Dershowitz said that Ted Cruz was the best student he ever taught.
N.S.: I read ATR's headline, just as Dmitri Tiomkin's High Noon score played "Two Minutes to Twelve" (9:22).
High Noon: Soundtrack Suite
Wishing him luck seems a little understated,for what Cruz will need,to try to pull off a victory at SCOTUS.
Daniel Webster and the devil? Could be so?
(Vomit inducing)Laugh of the Day
Driving to the bank this morning at 11am,the hourly ABC News popped up on my radio station with the following:"President-elect O'Biden announced another cabinet choice..."
The subconscious/overt wish of this female news announcer and probably most of the media.
He's a White guy who can't talk combined with a black racist who can.
A White man without a brain and a black guy without a clue.
A White man who trips on dogs and a black guy a that's married to one
The thought made my breakfast twitch in my stomach.
The announcement was Susan Rice was appointed to lead the Domestic Economoic Council.Even more news to make us gag.
The above column,an "a" between "guy" and "that's" is not supposed to be there.
"A White man who trips on dogs and a black guy a that's married to one."
Tablets have a mind of their own sometimes.
I once read somewhere that High Noon was first shown to studio execs or similar types without the sound track. They thought it was dull and uninteresting. With the sound track, it was taut, suspenseful, and a great film.
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