Sunday, August 04, 2019

Over a Generation Spent Fighting Communism; Please Support WEJB/NSU!

Most political writers claiming to be “fighting pc” will pull their punches, go over to the dark side, or throw in the towel.

I won’t.

Nicholas Stix
First publication, 1980. Fighting racial socialism since 1982.

Please hit the “Donate” button at the top of the page, and make a generous donation to WEJB/NSU.

I thank you, and your posterity will, too.


Nicholas Stix


Anonymous said...

It's obvious,that at this moment in history,whites have ZERO representation anymore.
I watched "Face the (Commie)Nation" with fill-in sympathizer Major Garrett hosting.
As I predicted yesterday,white people --as a group--are being told by our wonderful politicians "YOU are not to resist what we are doing--no protests and especially no shootings."
These are white politicians,black politicians,Democrats and Republicans--all have the same message--"You're on your own,we're not on your side anymore.We've decided to fill the country up with blacks,Mex and Muslims --live with it."
I believe there would have been no shootings yesterday,if there was a nationwide gathering spot for whites already in place,looking out for whites--a white version of the NAACP.The blacks and Mex have their organizations and no one calls them black or Mex supremacists,but whites who voice opposition to where the country is headed are white supremacists.
The label still works in keeping whites on the defensive.The only way to reduce the violence we saw yesterday,in my opinion,is for whites to feel like someone is listening to their grievances--someone needs to step up,who has the capabilities,financing and technical know-how to get an organization started.
On "Face the (Commie)Nation",Sherrod Brown(D),Will Hurd (R),Beto O'Rourke and Tim Scott,black Republican were quickly eliminated from contention for being that person.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Not sure what to make of this one yet but there is a new cop show named "The Rookie" that features Nathan Filion as a middle aged man trying to become a cop, his co-star is black actress Afton Williamson who is leaving the show after the 1st season claiming racial discrimination/racist commentary & bullying from the hair dept., sexual assault at the hands of the hair dept. head that was reported but not properly handled by the HR dept., bullying from network executives & sexual harassment by a recurring guest star with whom she was pressured to do scenes with even after she reported the harassment.

Is there any horror this woman has not experienced? Sounds like everybody was picking poor little her, especially those evil white males. Except, and here's the twist, the hair dept. head is Sallie Ciganovich, a young attractive blonde white woman. Here is an article about her and a photo:

Not one article online points out the dept. head was female, though I was suspicious as soon as I read the article because if the dept. head was male (stereotype alert here!), he'd almost certainly be gay. Here is a blackcentric forum where all the commentary assumes she's being 100% truthful about everything.
In fact, in a couple comments there is an assumption Nathan Filion must have be the guilty party, except nowhere has he been accused of anything, but he is a white male and has the highest profile.

I have no idea who the guest star is who allegedly harassed her, I don't watch the show so don't know the characters but skimming through the cast list I noted plenty of black male secondary characters. If it was a black man I wonder if the media will actually mention that, or ignore is like they're going to ignore the hair dept. head was a woman.

A #MeToo victim who is female, black & also a victim of racial harassment? That's just too good, makes for the kind of race baiting headlines the media loves and a great story for virtue signalling media talking sock puppets. They just have to skirt around some of those pesky inconvenient details. Something they are quite adept at doing.