Thursday, August 08, 2019

Angelo Codevilla: Igniting Civil War

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Buskirk <>
To: add1dda <>
Sent: Wed, Aug 7, 2019 9:30 am

Angelo Codevilla: Igniting Civil War



Igniting Civil War


By Angelo Codevilla

Government sponsorship of violence against opponents or complacency in the face of incitement to violence is a powerful tool of political repression. Regimes such as Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Nicaragua, China, and other tyrannies have used such tactics to great effect. 
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When False Gods Ring Hollow


By Ned Ryun

Sadly, but predictably, in the wake of the El Paso and Dayton shootings, many on the Left have resorted yet again to over-the-top rhetoric about gun control, white supremacy, and racism—screaming and pointing the finger at everyone but themselves.

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The Chris Buskirk Show: Episode 11—Everything You've Heard About Mass Shootings Is Wrong


By The Editors

Mass shootings are dominating the news. They're horrific. But what the media is telling you about the problem—and the solutions—is all wrong. Also, why is our government pledging billions for Venezuelan infrastructure and nothing for us? Tune into the Chris Buskirk Show below for the latest.
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Can Ilhan Omar Be Sent Back to Somalia?


By Lloyd Billingsley

In 2013, Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) joined a crowd flooding into the Hotel Ivy in Minneapolis to see former Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

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America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump


By Dennis Prager

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, never said there were "fine" Nazis or Ku Klux Klansmen.

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Black Support for Kamala Harris Craters After Tulsi Gabbard's Hit


By Debra Heine

Black support for Senator Kamala Harris' (D-CA) presidential campaign has cratered in the wake of opposing candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard's (D-HI) blistering attack on her record as California's attorney general in the second Democratic debate.


Paul Krugman Is KKK-razy


By Bill Asher

Yesterday's alchemist is today's academician. 
He tries to convert leaden ideas into the fool's gold of medals, awards, medallions, newspaper columns, and various sinecures, including the guarantee of lifetime employment.


Trump Supporters Spend the Day Picking up Trash in West Baltimore


By Debra Heine

Hundreds of conservative volunteers participated in a massive cleanup in West Baltimore Monday, organized by grassroots activist and ardent Trump supporter Scott Presler (aka #ThePersistence on Twitter) after the president called Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings' congressional district a "dangerous and filthy place."


Lindsay Graham Is Going to Tell You About Red Flag Gun Laws


By Liz Sheld

Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) spoke with Shannon Bream last night to explain his plan for federal "Red Flag Laws."

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Manufacturing Racial Anxiety to Blame the President


By Curtis Ellis

Democrats and their enablers in the media used to blame the widespread availability of guns for mass shootings. After El Paso they have a new villain: They blame President Trump.

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The Strange Appeal of Marianne Williamson


By Matthew Boose

What is the secret of Marianne Williamson's strange appeal? For one thing, the Democratic candidate for president is a skilled speaker who absolutely radiates confidence. Secondly, unlike most of the "wonks" competing with her, she actually has something interesting to say.

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No, Tariffs Won't Ruin Christmas


By Spencer P. Morrison

President Trump says he will impose a 10 percent tariff on $300 billion worth of Chinese imports beginning September 1. The tariff would affect consumer goods primarily, according to an analysis by Goldman Sachs.
by Chris Buskirk, Julie Ponzi, & Ben Boychuk
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Anonymous said...

"As for racism or white supremacy, the Left uses identity politics as a cudgel against people who disagree with them. But it is hardly racist or white supremacy to believe in borders and national sovereignty."
Of course it isn't,but if the public interacts with the media on a somewhat daily basis,you may not feel the same way after repeated brainwashings.
Here's what we have in baseball terms:The NY Yankees (sorry N.S.)will be the team comprised of the huge numbers of liberal media--the many networks,newspapers and websites.Throw in the pro-black,Mex,LGBTQ groups,the ACLU,the lower and appeals courts,an increasing number of immigrants,fast reproducing blacks,Mex and Muslims who have resided in our country for years and you have a formidable opponent for anyone to defeat.Strike one.
OUR team?
We have besides Trump,half assed FOX,the decreasingly less influencial Zerohedge,the great(all of these) NSU,VDare,InfoWars,Sailor,Buchanan and Ann Coulter.
That's it--and excluding FOX,which is,in my opinion,a monstrosity of a failure--all the rest of the journalists and political pundits on OUR side,are intelligent and worthy advocates for white people,but sadly,only have a narrow,limited window of exposure to the general public.Compare that exposure to the constant drumbeat of agenda-pushing on huge TV networks and websites that the liberals run and which is watched by tens of millions of Americans.Strike two.
The sheer numbers are indicative of a movie that might have been made in the late 70s--"The Bad News Bears take on the NY Yankees" with the movie being so poorly developed that Walter Matthau took a pass on it.
So desperate times mean desperate measures need to be taken.
The tariff wars will be increasing in September.Our farming states--who supported Trump in 2016 will be hurt in a huge way financially in the next year--and may not vote the same way in 2020 as then.
Once again,in baseball terms--strike three--whites are OUT!
--GR Anonymous

Anonymous said...

As far as Codevilla's scenario goes,I believe the only way a Civil War starts before November 2020,is in the event of a POTUS removal--politically or violently.
After that,if a Dem wins the Presidency,no insurrection-whites will meekly suffer another 4 to 8 years of Negro rule.If Trump wins--a CW is very possible--with the same caveat as I've given for the next 15 months.
P.S.Rosanna Arquette,who used to be a hot,hot actress has come out to announce her hatred of being white.Google it if you like reading about women with insane thoughts.On the upside,they may show an old pic of her from the 80s.Tremendous bod.

Anonymous said...

"act as if conservatives were simply on a lower level of humanity,"

The leftist/liberal considers the conservative to be evil, beyond redemption.