Friday, May 10, 2019

The Blessings of Mass Immigration

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

(Comment from the Washington Post someone sent me.)

1:29 PM CDT
I lived in southern California from 1996 - 2005. This provided me with the equivalent of a graduate education, by immersion, in immigration facts and policies -- what mass immigration is doing to our country.

After fleeing California, I've kept up with the subject -- so much so that I'm the proverbial "walking encyclopedia" when it comes to immigration. And the single most important fact I've learned concerning immigration during my two decades in the fray is that the average citizen knows essentially nothing about this phenomenon that is well on the way to transforming -- degrading! -- their futures and especially the futures of their offspring.

For example, most people don't know, within an order of magnitude (or even two orders!), what our annual intake of Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs -- "green card holders") is. Here's an illustration of the point:

In my experience, people in public office aren't exceptions to this ignorance. So it's very likely the case that these Democratic candidates' opinions are ungrounded in facts. i.e. They have no idea what they're talking about.

Here are my distilled observations from those California years:

1. The flood of immigrants drives wages and living conditions in our central cities toward those of the Third World.

2. The influx imposes both sprawl and gridlock on our metropolitan areas.

3. Immigrant families needing services overwhelm our schools, taxpayer-funded healthcare facilities, and other public agencies.

4. Those requiring services don’t assimilate and, instead, expect to be served in their native languages.

5. American civic culture frays as each ethnic group establishes its own grievance lobby and pushes for preferences.

6. Illegal aliens bring us fearsome diseases such as tuberculosis (new, drug-resistant strains) and Chagas.

7. Shortages of water and other resources loom, especially in immigration-blitzed California.


Anonymous said...

The guy is obviously "racist" and knows not of what he speaks(sarcasm to the max).

Peteforester said...

Yeah, it's truly amazing how quickly mass immigration from Mexico turned California into Mexico. My once-beautiful town is now truly a 3rd World shithole. Somehow though, this is supposed to be seen as "cultural enrichment..."

...Governor Brown instituted water restrictions during the drought because there wasn't enough water. Funny; there wasn't enough water for taxpaying U.S. citizens and legal residents, but there was enough for the MILLIONS of illegal aliens he let in. There was also enough money in MY pocket to pay for the water they used... after they jumped onto the welfare/Section Eight bandwagon... ...Yeah... Funny...

Anonymous said...

"the average citizen knows essentially nothing about this phenomenon"

They don't care until some damned illegal alien driving drunk wipes out their famblee in a head-on. And the bad guy has been deported five times before.

Anonymous said...

And if they become citizens, the overwhelming majority vote for Democrats who make all the problems worse. Plus, some vote even when they are not citizens.

Anonymous said...

And they are BREAKING THE LAW [illegals]!!