Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Gibs Us Our Fair Share: Black Lawmakers Engage in Blackmail

Tue, Mar 12, 2019 11:58 p.m.
Gibs us our fair share: Black Lawmakers Engage in Blackmail

By A.L.
Tue, Mar 12, 2019 4:34 p.m.

Gibs us our fair share

At a recent conference in Brooklyn on marijuana legalization, Jacob Plowden, left, spoke about the lack of diversity and inclusion in the cannabis industry.
Diversity and inclusion in the cannabis industry are all very well, but what about … belonging? Harvard now has a Department of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging, and if DIBs are good enough for Harvard, we also need to worry about who gets DIBs on dope.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what the solution is to what's occurring in this country-besides a new Revolutionary War--against the commies/liberals.Doing it the previously American way,by voting,will not work anymore,I don't believe,in the future.The Dems have cornered the minority vote and split the white vote.Now they're adjusting the eligible voters in various states--Florida prisoners and Colorado voting blocs to virtually ensure those states will go Democrat.
They've got most of our newspapers,TV networks and online sites wrapped up in liberal philosophy.Free speech spoken by conservatives is muffled and removed.Whites(the ones who are even aware of what's going on) cannot complain against what they see as their country's destruction.Black crime is not reported,while white crime--much less a percentage of the population--is magnified and focused on.We're called racist by media and denounced as (old)white men--a group to be removed from decision making.Mexican,Somali and Arab women in Congress are attempting to take over the policy setting by sheer volume of verbal attack.
The birthrate of whites is not promising for a future comeback.For whatever reason,whites are committing suicide and becoming hooked on hard drugs and overdosing,causing a further decline in our numbers.I believe it's the invasion of minorities in previously white neighborhoods.
Politics will not allow Trump to put forth a solution until after the 2020 election (IF he wins it).Trump.of all people,should get what's happening,I'm sure he does.
I've suggested a few things--more prisons,tax breaks for whites to have more kids etc.--but in the meantime,whites are facing a bleaker future every day.
With no one,attempting to fix the problem,in sight.
--GR Anonymous

Anonymous said...

If we consume 95 % of the product, then 95 % of the profits should go to us. Sure, just do the business and it will all fall into line. Sure, go for it.