Rockland County Bans Unvaccinated Minors from Public Spots
Wed, Mar 27, 2019 2:07 a.m.
Rockland County Bans Unvaccinated Minors from Public Spots - WSJ
County in New York
Facing Measles
Outbreak Bans
Minors From Public
Rockland County's ban is the first of its kind in the country
By Katie Honan
March 27, 2019
Wall Street Journal
A New York county has declared a state of emergency over one of the worst measles outbreaks in the state in decades, banning unvaccinated minors from public places to help curb the spread of the disease.
Rockland County Executive Ed Day said Tuesday the ban—the first of its kind in the country—will go into effect at midnight.
The extreme measure comes as the county has recorded 153 confirmed measles cases in the past six months, mostly in children under 18, according to the county's health department. The outbreak is concentrated in the orthodox Jewish communities in Rockland County, including the towns of New Square, Spring Valley and Monsey. Some in those communities oppose vaccinations for religious reasons.
"Every action we have taken since the beginning of this outbreak has been designed to do two things: maximize vaccinations and minimize exposures," Mr. Day said.
As health inspectors have tried to vaccinate children, Mr. Day said, they've faced "increasing resistance" from unvaccinated families. Some parents have hung up their phones on inspectors calling to ask about vaccinations, and unvaccinated children have been seen in public places.
"It endangers the health and well-being of others, and displays a shocking lack of responsibility and concern for others in our community," he said.
Measles, a highly contagious virus that can linger in the air for up two hours, was considered eradicated in the U.S. in 2000, but it has come back as vaccination rates have fallen in some parts of the country. Washington, Texas and Illinois have all dealt with recent measles outbreaks.
Under Rockland County's ban, children under 18 who haven't been vaccinated won't be allowed in any public area for 30 days, at least until they receive their first shot of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, Mr. Day said.
Mr. Day, a Republican, said the county wouldn't chase people down, but hoped the emergency declaration would get across the seriousness of the outbreak.
[It won't work. They're going to have to chase people down, and use force.]
"We are expecting parents to realize it's now against the law," to bring unvaccinated children out in public, he said.
[Some of the kids in question are surely sexual abuse victims, whose parents don't want the authorities to find out. A lot of that going around in certain Hasidic communities. There may also be some anti-vax nuttiness, too.]
Those who violate the emergency declaration face a misdemeanor charge, which can carry a sentence of up to six months in jail, or a $400 fine, or both, according to Mr. Day.
Michael Sussman, a lawyer representing a group of parents suing Rockland County over barring unvaccinated children from schools, said the ban is "irresponsible."
"It's an overreach, and I think it's unconstitutional," he said.
[N.S.: Garbage. There are no constitutional protections against cooperating with health authorities in a public health emergency. Militant homosexualists and their allies politically crippled public health practices, with spurious claims of "privacy," in order to expand their power, but they never had such rights, nor does anyone else.
The merciless, gay lobby and the CDC caused thousands of babies and mothers' horrible deaths from AIDS. The babies and mothers had routinely been tested for HIV, but the authorities refused to tell the mothers that they were HIV+. "Privacy." Whose privacy? It sure wasn't theirs!]
Of those infected with measles in Rockland County, 82% weren't vaccinated, and 8% had either one or two vaccinations for measles, mumps and rubella, according to the county. The vaccination status was unclear for nearly 10% of infected patients, the data shows.
Since the outbreak started last fall, the county has ordered about 60 schools, mostly yeshivas, to keep nearly 6,000 unvaccinated students home to prevent more infections. About half of those students received vaccinations and were allowed to return to school, according to the county's health department.
The ban comes as other New York counties deal with measles outbreaks. In Brooklyn, more than 120 people were infected in the borough's Orthodox communities, according to the Health Department. That outbreak is the worst in New York City since 1991, city officials said. The first case of measles was traced to a person who visited Israel, which is also in the midst of an outbreak.
—Kate King contributed to this article.
Appeared in the March 27, 2019, print edition as "Minors Without Vaccine Face Ban."
Illegals,from south of the border,are bringing up some oldies but goodies--in the disease department.We have much to look forward to as the cesspool takes over.
"It won't work. They're going to have to chase people down, and use force."
Correct. Use force. These folks are not going to comply.
Dunno. Thought the whole idea of a vaccination was that you didn't catch it.
But sounds like it doesn't work.
Either that or those that aren't vaccinated, get it and build up immunity the old way.
Instead of getting 20 vaccines when they are six weeks old or something like that.
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