Friday, March 01, 2024

The Zebra Files: A Modest Correction

[“Lest We Forget: Remembering the Zebra Victims.”]

By Jamie McG
thursday, march 8, 2018 at 5:30:00 a.m. pst

My uncle was murdered in Signal Hill, June 1972, as part of the precursor to the SF horrors. I was 5 then. So i recently began looking into the crime that so deeply affected my family. His name is never mentioned. Alexander Lewandowski. I wish all the nameless victims were recognized, esp if there are 73 of them.

N.S.: Your uncle has been on the list since August 15, 2020, but as “Alex Lewandowski, Los Angeles, June 23, 1972.” I have corrected the entry, to reflect that his name was Alexander, and he was killed in Signal Hill, on “The List.”

(Actually, he was probably on “The List” drawn up by California state law enforcement official Richard Whalley no later than 1974, the year in which Whalley died of lung cancer.)



Nicholas Stix


Anonymous said...

I am not sure if the Harlem "Bloods are the same NOI group as the one in CA [the Zebra killers]. That might be two separate groups.

Nicholas said...

Two different divisions of noi murderers. The fruit of islam (foi) is a third. The latter ambushed and murdered nycpd patrolman Phillip Cardillo in Farrakhan's harlem mosque in 1972.