Friday, March 01, 2024

The Wendy Jerome war crime trial: The msm has found a judge it can love!

By David in TN
friday, march 1, 2024 at 12:09:00 a.m. est

Today (Thursday) there were NO news reports on the trial for the Wendy Jerome murder. Apparently, the rochester media outlets took the judge's warning to the jurors to not read any media coverage of the trial literally.


Anonymous said...

"White Rural Rage:The Threat to American Democracy" by Tom Schaller/reviewed by Matt Taibbi.

GRA:Another anti-White tome,promoted by the msm press,who accuses Whites of,"being anti-free press,xenophobic,racist,anti-immigrant and anti-gay."

That's all right,Schaller and the entirety of msm is anti-White,as is the Democratic party.

Taibbi regretted wasting his time reading the thing--it was so filled with lies.I haven't checked to see if Schaller is black,I'll get back with that info.

Anonymous said...

He's a white "professor of political science and former columnist at the Baltimore Sun."

I lower key "White" in his dishonor.