Saturday, March 02, 2024

growing problem of EV fires--so why have them?

By "W"
Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 09:54:49 AM EST Subject: growing problem of EV fires--so why have them? if the battery cases crack and get wet, they can give off deadly fumes...this is utter BS


Anonymous said...

Wait until they invent nuclear powered cars.

"is that a mushroom cloud in the Dillinger's driveway?"


Anonymous said...

Where I live there are a butt-load of Teslas. Lots of Indians drive them--probably to keep up with the Patels. The owners no doubt are proud of their cars, but to me they are a sign of stupidity. I prefer a proven, reliable gasoline-powered car that can be quickly refueled everywhere and at every temperature. I have air conditioning all I want in the summer and heat in the winter. And I always get at least 240,000 miles on them without spending many thousands for a new battery. Meanwhile California tore down 4 dams producing hydroelectric power. If enough people drive electric cars and switch to electric everything, rolling blackouts will be the new normal. And as for globull warming--it won't make the slightest difference--natural processes will control the weather as they always have.

Anonymous said...

Yes,in my area Consumers Energy is tearing down dams that produce electricity.It will lower the water levels of various rivers,probably eliminating trout,perch and other tasty fish.Why?Not making enough money is what my friend told me their excuse is.The river he lives on is a prime part of his house's value

He wants to sell ASAP.