Sunday, November 05, 2023

Award-Winning, journalism fraud Graydon Carter may have finally gotten one right: He "claims sussex marriage (of Mrs. and Mr. Megan Markle) will last 'years not decades'"

By R.C.

"Graydon Carter claims sussex marriage will last 'years not decades'"

"Meghan and Harry's marriage will last 'years rather than decades' and duchess 'has run rings around poor Harry to get money, notoriety and a title', Graydon Carter claims"

N.S.: When Graydon Carter was still editor-in-chief of vanity fair he made a point of conspiring with one of his journalist-hoaxers, William D. Cohan, to revive one of the two most notorious rape-race hoaxes in American history, the Duke Rape Hoax. For their dishonesty, I bestowed on Cohan and Carter the Duranty-Blair Award for Journalistic Infamy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"It's OVER"

-Howard Cosell