Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Who Will be Top Cop in Farrakhanville? noi Mayor-Elect Eric Adams Will Only Consider Females Who Support colored criminals, and Will Likely Choose a black female

By N.S.

The new york post that aggressively supported Rudy Giuliani from 1989 through the end of his mayoralty in 2001, is no more. To my knowledge, no newspaper in town took a hard stance against black supremacist, former rogue cop Eric Adams during the election campaign. I am the only journalist anywhere, who exposed Adams’ longtime support of the black supremacist murder cult, the nation of islam. And the post has just released a powder puff “thing” promoting Adams’ plan to install a pro-criminal (as long as they’re black or hispanic) black female as nypd police commissioner. Here are the top two candidates.

The post went so far as to assert that Adams’ experience as a cop made him more qualified to fight crime than any of his opponents.

post: "Danielle Outlaw is Philadelphia's first black female police commissioner"

"Carmen Best resigned as Seattle police chief after months of protests against police brutality." Ludicrous. The Seattle PD's problem was its insufficient use of force, not its "brutality."

Adams also threw in the name of a White female, for appearances’ sake.

"Ivonne Roman, former police commissioner in Newark, retired in 2020"

"Who Will be NYC's Next Top Cop? Mayor-Elect Adams' Short List"


Anonymous said...

blacks cops are like black thugs:they're lawbreakers and law ignorers--just wearing a blue uniform. Any city with a black PO-lice chief has a major crime problem.I'll stipulate the argument that those cities have large black thug populations(the cause of high crime),but I won't stipulate any woke theory that black chiefs can enforce the law against blacks any better than White police chiefs.In fact--I'm convinced they look the other way as often as possible from black crime.With that method of policing,black crime may actually go down "in the books".Add a black mayor and the city is toast.

Hiring a black chief is waving a White flag at's actually what the blm'ers want.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Danielle Outlaw was police chief in Portland for a while. She really didn't say much and wasn't politically outspoken. Didn't hear anything bad about her tenure but nothing great either. NY could probably do worse with the other possible candidates.

eahilf said...

As a Twitter user suspended long ago put it: 'White people are just tax cattle to support the rising tide of diversity' -- you see the truth of that in stories like this one.