Sunday, November 21, 2021

Tucker Carlson and His Ventriloquist’s Dummy

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Sunday, November 21, 2021 at 1:48:00 A.M. EST

When are Tucker and Whitlock Going to Caesar’s Palace to Perform? Now “That’s Entertainment”!

I watched the clip and did I laugh my azzz off. Did you see the ventriloquist act? Tucker didn’t move his mouth once while Whitlock opined all the racial things Carlson is forbidden to say on-air (without getting SJW pushback).

What is a conservative program like this supposed to do, to be able to air sensible opinions, which will not be called out as offensive by the woke crowd? Get Jason Whitlock, invite Candace Owens, fetch Larry Elder to do the talking—that’s much more immunity than a Covid vaxx gives.

Bergen and McCarthy, Wayland and Madam and now we have...Carlson and Whitlock. It’s godda*n hilarious, though at the same time, I resent having to listen to the blacks enjoy their right to “free speech,” while Whites can only nod to their utterances (no doubt, nodding will be outlawed next—or just nodding WHITE hosts.)

But until then, we can all view the ridiculous mutations and continual decline of the way news reporting is done.

And that’s the way it is.


By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Sunday, November 21, 2021 at 2:15:00 A.M. EST

One other comment on Whitlock talking about “black abortion” being racist.

Many White conservatives on sites like Breitbart bring up this argument that Democrats hate blacks because they push blacks to have abortions. From the populations of the big cities exploding to be anywhere from 35 to 70% black, I don't see the abortion argument. I don’t know the numbers, but blacks are not having ENOUGH abortions, if you ask me.

Would it be wrong to tout a Covid vaxx for blacks, that also stops reproduction, without telling them?The manner that White population is declining, you’d think someone’s already doing that to US!


N.S.: I started writing on the Internet in early 2000, and I almost never cite blacks on race. I have had enough experience for several lifetimes, not to mention engaging in enough scholarship for several careers. I think Thomas Sowell is one of the greatest living social scientists, but he hasn’t had much to do with other blacks for the past 70 years, and he can’t be trusted on IQ. (If I ever get around to reading his famous early work, The Politics and Economics of Race, I’ll discuss it.)

I recall during the early 2000s, occasionally reading neocons like Jonah Goldberg (who is not a Jew; his mom’s a gentile) trying to write about race, without writing about race, or hiding behind a black racial authority like Sowell. As I wrote of Goldberg, if you don’t have the gumption to write about race, don’t race.

I used to call Jared Taylor the Secretariat of racial thinkers, but I no longer believe that. That’s because he went soft, and couldn’t condemn Dylann Roof or Officer Michael Slager fast enough.

I said of Roof that I neither condemn nor celebrate him. As for Officer Slager, I never left him (or James Fields) in the lurch.

In 2015, when Jared stabbed Officer Slager in the back, an AmRen reader wrote, “I used to think that Jared Taylor was the most courageous man in America, but now I think that Nicholas Stix is.”

That’s a very close paraphrase. Jared deleted the comment, and not long thereafter, shadowbanned me. AmRen readers used to praise me all the time, and also occasionally put in notes for me like, “Nicholas Stix, call your office,” in response to the Fero’s Bar massacre. You won’t find any of those friendly comments anymore.

And when Jared wrote his magnum opus, White Identity, he left out any discussion of race and IQ. I criticized him for that. He had sought to get a mainstream publisher to put out the book, and knew that none of them would permit such a treatment. (No education writers today of any political stripe will talk about IQ, except for the Thernstroms, in No Excuses, and that was to deny its existence.)

When Jared was forced to publish the book himself, he should have written a chapter on race and IQ. In my review, I criticized him leaving that out. Yes, in one of his odd charitable moments, he assigned me to review his book. However, he has since “disappeared” me from discussions of it.

Another cheap shot from Jared. When I edited and primarily wrote The State of America-2007 for Louis R. Andrews at the pre-Richard Spencer NPI, Jared gave it a long review in AmRen, but took dishonest cheap shots at it (as if there were something wrong with my tone!), while hiding behind the pseudonym, Thomas Jackson. (well, I can’t link to it because Cloudflare has completely shut down AmRen!).

By the way, I did write on IQ and race in The State of America-2007.

I wonder how long, at this rate, before they shut us down again!


eahilf said...

>Jared deleted the comment

I've had similar experiences on AmRen, so many that I no longer bother to comment there.

Taylor's limitations are regrettable -- in a general way he mirrors the career of David Irving, who after testifying at the 2nd Zündel trial was a very public 'Holocaust' skeptic -- then his career was ruined by organized Jewry -- now he pushes something akin to 'Holocaust lite'.

In the Dissident/Nationalist Right, Taylor is most known for being very squishy about Jews; he just refuses to 'go there' -- personally, considering the value of the body of his work, as well as the personal courage behind it, for which I am grateful, I give him a pass on that (and the other things) -- there are now many who address the aspects of white nationalism he is unwilling to take on.

Nicholas said...

Jared tries to act as if he were the Jews’ best friend, but he does not like Jews.

“Jared Taylor: 9/11 was the Fault of the Jews, and America for Supporting Them”

Anonymous said...

I've read plenty of so called "goyam comments" on ZH--enough to bring the old "where there's smoke,there's fire" analogy to mind. In this instance,however,it's more accurate to say,"If many people say they see smoke,there's probably a fire somewhere."

I haven't done enough research on the numbers of Jews who are heads of companies or media outlets,though I DO know Brian Roberts,a Jew,is the CEO of NBC and his bio indicates near commie,if not full commie philosophy about blacks--which is constantly propagated on his network through its news and entertainment venues.

From what I understand,there are Jews sympathetic to blacks and who are anti-United States for whatever reason.Jews vote 95% Democrat,so there's plenty of support for Commie principles from your average "Citizen Jew".

We're not going to change the hierarchy of who runs corporations in America,so the only hope for improvement we have are twofold:Jew CEOs and management types must have an epiphany concerning social justice agenda.The second,is the forceful removal of Jews in these positions--undertaken during a Civil War.

Not too many options--although there's a third,if either of the first two do not occur:White extinction in America--possibly within the next twenty years.


eahilf said...

Get Jason Whitlock, invite Candace Owens, fetch Larry Elder to do the talking—that’s much more immunity than a Covid vaxx gives.

Just wanted to add that this is a good observation and I agree with it -- the GOP has long attempted outreach aimed at getting the votes of Platinum Americans™ -- I guess this is a kind of outsourcing where the GOP gets elite Platinum Americans™ to address uncomfortable racial realities -- it's pathetic really.

eahilf said...

>I haven't done enough research

Perhaps regularly review the timeline of Twitter/Curse -- go thru the threads in his pinned tweet, where he addresses specific aspects of Jewish influence in an almost scholarly way.

He's been on Twitter for years, and while Twitter now hides his timeline behind a caution, his account still exists.