Sunday, November 07, 2021

TRAIN WRECK: Rittenhouse Prosecution Implodes with State Witness, but is the Defense Smart Enough to Take Advantage?

By N.S.

TRAIN WRECK: Rittenhouse Prosecution Implodes with State Witness Richard McGinnis of Daily Caller


eahilf said...

I saw a number of similar headlines re good days for the Chauvin defense by the same author -- but as I said at the time, the Chauvin trial was largely political, and the verdict would also be political, i.e. Chauvin had no chance no matter how many 'good days' his defense had.

The Rittenhouse trial is also political, but different: he's not a cop, and while armed, he was clearly defending himself from people (aka 'rioters', 'looters', or 'arsonists', but not 'victims') attacking him, one of whom was armed with a handgun, another with a skateboard -- it will be more difficult for a jury to ignore 'good days' for the Rittenhouse defense.

Chauvin's conviction for 3rd degree murder will be vacated, just like Noor's -- but Chauvin's problem is he was also convicted of 2nd degree murder (the charges against him were also political, hence it was not necessary they make sense), whereas Noor was acquitted of that charge -- so Noor's sentence was revised to align with his manslaughter conviction, meaning he will likely be freed next year -- but unless Chauvin can get his 2nd degree murder conviction overturned, or a new trial (he clearly deserves both), then his sentence will stand since he was sentenced on the 2nd degree murder charge.

Anonymous said...

Kyle is going to need some big time points for him to be acquitted. That jury is going to fear retaliation or another riot.

The rioter Rosenbaum had just been released from the hospital. The psyche ward. Maybe he was suicidal when he went after Kyle?

Anonymous said...

No matter what the defense does and if they score a lot of point the jury nonetheless is going to have a hard time to acquit. That is my perception.