Sunday, November 14, 2021

This is Not Your Father’s FBI! Critical Race Theory Blatantly Appears on an 8 P.M. Network TV Drama (cbs’ fbi)

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Sunday, November 14, 2021 at 12:39:00 A.M. EST

GRA: I had just finished watching Jeopardy and left the station on, past 8 p.m. The opening scene of the program which followed (fbi) involved a White man FBI agent talking to a White, female FBI agent. They were discussing racism—that Whites were racist—because they were White. These literally were the first words of tonight’s show.

“You know YOU’RE racist,” the commie man character offered to his partner, “just because you’re White.”

“That would mean YOU’RE racist too,” she replied.

“Anyone who is White is racist,” he preached—not to the female character—but the audience.

Then an explosion occurred, and the dialog about crt was terminated—as was my viewing of the program.

I’d recommend to anyone wanting to view this blood pressure-raising propaganda, to probably look it up on for tonight’s episode.

Everyone’s up in arms about schools teaching crt, but it’s being blatantly pushed on network television, to an audience that wouldn’t expect garbage of this sort to be slipped so insidiously into this type of fare. It’s sickening.

I’m curious to see who the writer was, maybe I’ll do some digging, but if ever I was a fan of the show (I’m not)—I’d quit watching it now—and always.



Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Pretty much have to stop watching everything to avoid these CRT or Woke messages. I was just watching a show they staged a scene where a man was being arrested by cops and the man started shouting "I can't breathe", clearly trying to evoke George Floyd. I was watching a cop show recently where some detective directly stated: "There's only been one recorded black serial killer ever". They throw this blatantly false stuff in all over the place, if I reacted to it, I'm pretty sure I'd have a stroke.

Sebastian Hawks said...

I wonder if this crap all comes from these 90 IQ pseudo black intellectuals innate understanding that our very existence shames them because we will always be better than them on average. Is "racist" confused in their minds with "excellence"? It seems Trump Derangement Syndrome pulled the rational mask off the left and led them to ally unconditionally with blacks. No more gay dominated gentrification with safe neighborhoods, they need the blacks to show up and vote en masse for them and have empowered tons of these dummies no questions asked and are now reaping the retarded rewards for this debacle with social breakdown, massive crime, and pseudo-intellectual stupidity. Other than tossing around a ball, having blacks on your team is a big darwinian dead end for society. Problem is these stupid young college brainwashed whites and hostile media demons are going to strangle us with these morons and lies about the human condition until they are completely defeated and purged from control.

Anonymous said...

To say that a whole group of people [whitey] are racist is of itself racist. Or am I a racist for saying such a thing.

Anonymous said...

This type of propaganda isn't new, only cruder and more blatant. The "adult" TV westerns of the 1950's constantly depicted Whites as evil and Indians, Mexicans, "immigrants," Chinamen, etc. as noble creatures unjustly persecuted by the white "bigots." Christians were depicted as hypocritical "Bible thumpers" who beat their wives, children and dogs. The Communists (and useful idiots like the bitter Leftist Rod Serling) knew TV was the ultimate soapbox for their poison. The big difference is that these shows were well-made, often brilliantly acted and directed. Why in the world would anyone with half a brain watch ANY current TV?