Thursday, November 04, 2021

The Steal Goes on

By Jesse Mossman
Thu, Nov 4, 2021 11:59 a.m.

The Steal Goes on

The Gateway Pundit writes:

"Last night in the New Jersey Governor's race Republican Jack Ciattarelli was leading current Democrat Governor Phil Murphy in the largest county in the state, Bergen County.  Then suddenly things changed.

Last night the governor's race in New Jersey was showing the Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli in the lead over the incumbent Democrat Phil Murphy.  Then miraculously things changed.

With 83% of the votes counted in the state, Republican Ciattarelli held a statewide lead of 42,000 votes.  At this time, Bergen County, the largest county in New Jersey, claimed 100% reporting with Ciattarelli winning 52% of the vote.

Then things changed.  Minutes later, with 87% of the vote counted, the results in Bergen County changed and suddenly Murphy was reported ahead in the county with 51% of the vote.  Ciattarelli's 42,000 vote in the state also dwindled to a  1,600 vote lead at this time."

I grew up in Bergen County--didn't realize it was so corrupt, but then I lived in a "bedroom community" where people worked in New York City and came home to a nice, non-industrialized Republican town.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like there will be a recount, but will the recount just recount the fraudulent votes or throw them out? I won't hold my breath.

Anonymous said...

"Then things changed."

Used to be the Chicago way what it is called. Late precincts reporting and all that. sure. A nation-wide epidemic.