Thursday, November 04, 2021

The Non-White Passengers on the SEPTA Train, on Which black, illegal alien Fiston Ngoy, aka Jack Falcon, Raped a Woman, were Much Worse than the Whites in Kitty Genovese’s Neighborhood—in Genovese’s Case, there were No White Eyewitnesses, but in the SEPTA Rape Case, There were Many (black and Otherwise Non-White) Passenger Eyewitnesses, and All but the Off-Duty SEPTA Worker Treated the Rape as Entertainment

By David in TN, et al.

N.S.: Time was, initial reports of a crime would often be full of confusion and misinformation that later research and reporting would correct. Conversely, over the past 20-30 years, the most accurate reports you’re likely to get have been the initial ones, whereas the msm and authorities then retire, in order to get their lies straight.

On 9/11, initial reports told of box cutters being found stuffed between cushions on another flight that never took off, and a group of fake pilots and crew being caught and arrested, trying to pass through airport security. Those reports were both quickly memoryholed. In other words, 9/11 was planned to have been even worse than it was.

Shortly after Adam Lanza’s December 14, 2012 massacre of his mother at home, and 26 children and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT., a Connecticut State Police representative announced on air that Lanza had killed all of his school victims with a semi-automatic pistol, while leaving the “assault” rifle he had brought with him in the trunk of his car. Days later, Connecticut’s chief medical examiner, H. Wayne Carver II, held a public press conference, in which he declared that Lanza had murdered all of his victims at the school with the “assault” rifle. Carver lied. Why? He was a democrat, and the democrat party and the msm were all in to ram through a ban on so-called assault rifles.

In the case of the black, illegal alien, Philly train rapist, we know that racist, non-White passengers were callously filming the rape, but Delaware County District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer has told baldfaced lies about this. Then again, Stollsteimer’s lies are a tell. If the passengers who watched and filmed the black illegal alien raping the vic had been White, he would have told the truth and condemned them.

By David in TN
Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 3:45:00 P.M. EDT

The rapist WAS an illegal alien.

The standard policy always has been to not identify a rape victim/accuser. An exception was made regarding Kennedy Cousin William Smith’s victim/accuser in 1991. The New York Times and USA Today printed her name and stories about her love life that made her appear a “loose” woman.

This was to help the Kennedys.

Nicholas will remember how the Central Park victim’s name was printed by the black press and shouted in public outside the courthouse and elsewhere.

Was the Philadelphia train rape victim White or non-black? One story said she “got on the wrong train by mistake.” This and the rapist feeling safe attacking this particular female could indicate she was not black. If she was black, you wonder if it would have been leaked.

By Eahilf
Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 4:57:00 P.M. EDT

“One story said she ‘got on the wrong train by mistake.’


The woman claims that she had never seen Ngoy before he approached and then assaulted her. She contends that she remembers getting on the train but doesn’t remember anything after that until the police pulled Ngoy off of her. She stated that she had drunk several beers after work and then got on the wrong train.

So she was intoxicated, which probably explains getting on the wrong train (and perhaps other things about what happened), not that right vs. wrong train seems particularly relevant.

Delaware County District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer denied claims that witnesses filmed the alleged rape, declaring that it was “simply not true.” ... “That is simply not true. It did not happen. We have security video from SEPTA that shows that is not the true narrative.”

Here’s what SEPTA Transit Police Chief Thomas Nestel III said:

“As many as 10 people actually saw some part of the attack on this rider,” Nestel told Philadelphia radio station WPHT. ... “We were watching to see if somebody put a phone up to their ear indicating they might be calling 911. Instead, what we saw was people holding their phone up as if they were recording or taking pictures.”

I assume by “watching,” he means watching the security video—?

The truth will probably come out later/eventually – or maybe not – who knows, anymore?

I think it’s probable the woman is white – or not black, anyway.

Whether this will be enough to get him deported is an open question – for years, the DRC has sent more refugees to the US than any other nation, so in cucked, racially neutered America that probably weighs against sending him back there.


eahilf said...


Boston student™, 16, accused of knocking her principal unconscious

Witnesses told police that the teen™ punched Principal Patricia Lampron in the head and attacked another staff member at the Upper Campus of the Dr. William W. Henderson K-12 Inclusion School in the city’s Dorchester neighborhood, WCVB-TV reported.

Who at some point didn't feel like laying out their principal?

Dorchester is 70% black, the rest is Hispanic; less than 3% is 'White (Non-Hispanic)', meaning all the racists left long ago -- link

Anonymous said...


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — Three people, including a child, were pronounced dead after being found unresponsive on Grand Rapids’ south side Thursday.

It happened on Brookshire Drive north of 33rd Street in the West Millbrook neighborhood. Someone called 911 around 9:53 a.m. after the three were discovered in a car.

The Grand Rapids Fire Department said emergency responders tried CPR but it was not successful.

The car now being moved from scene. @WOODTV

The cause of the deaths is not yet known. The Grand Rapids Police Department, which has taken over the investigation, said it was “way too soon” to know whether any foul play may have been involved.

GRPD was not yet prepared to release the names or ages of the dead, saying it was still confirming identities and notifying family.
GRA:The house this car was parked in front of,had a yard full of negroes walking around--black area. This is a strange one--even for blacks.I'm assuming these are blacks--unless Whitey got lost and paid a price for it.