Saturday, November 20, 2021

Rioters Wreak Havoc in Pro-Cop NYC Neighborhood after Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict; noi Mayor-Elect Eric Adams and Communist Kleptocrat Mayor Bill de Blasio (de Blah Blah Blah) Heap Scorn on 2A

By N.S.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Dutch police fire on Covid lockdown protestors:
I wonder if police anywhere have fired on BLM rioters? Of course, why would they? BLM protestors are servants of the globalists, anti lockdown protestors are acting against their interests.

Anonymous said...

NYC has two mayors now?Both are laughably disingenuous in their intentions to improve conditions(see Chicago,Baltimore,Houston etc.)in the "Big Apple".You CANNOT improve your city without gathering up your black population,shoving them on a giant Bezos spaceship and sending them to Alpha Centauri.

That,of course would be called "black Lost in Space",but it's not happening for decades--if at all.


Anonymous said...

I like the image of the "protestor" carry the hatchet. All sorts of folks carry hatchets with them all the time. Negroes are normally fond of bricks too.