Saturday, November 20, 2021

Portrait of a Soros Counter-Prosecutor

[Re: “Soros Prosecutors Let Sex-Offender CVS Burglar Free.”]

By Eahilf
Saturday, November 20, 2021 at 3:34:00 P.M. EST

These people are voted into office—geliefert wie bestellt [N.S.: “delivered as ordered”] is the German phrase – that said, these local elections, especially ones which occur in off/odd or non-presidential years, typically have extremely low turnout (30% or less), and are therefore easily influenced by both money and “get out the vote” manpower.

Her website reads like a “woke” parody:

Parisa for Justice

[Real Reform In The Criminal Legal System:

In 2019, Northern Virginia voters chose change. They said they wanted to see the justice system stop criminalizing poverty, address its racial inequities, stop participating in mass incarceration, and work towards real criminal justice reform. And to do that, they elected Parisa Tafti.

Since assuming the role of Commonwealth Attorney, Parisa has made it her mission to see those reforms turned into policies – and she’s succeeding. Over the past several years the office of the Commonwealth Attorney has:

Stopped asking for cash bail
Successfully launched the Behavioral Health Docket
Created fairer rules of discovery
Promoted a divisionary [sp.] system for Juvenile offenders
And continued the essential work of moving towards restorative justice]


Parisa came to the United States as a child with her parents, Roohi and Pooneh.

So not born in this country – her parents came to America, still a nice White country at the time, from south Asia – and what’s she doing now?—rhetorically attacking and working to destroy America as a decent, safe, White country to—there are legions of women like her; I see accounts of them all the time —and she’s married to a black who’s a civil rights law professor.


Anonymous said...

Parisi is a Parsi? Normally those people only marry their own kind.

eahilf said...


Earlier there was a post here about Texas losing to Kansas in college football -- there is actually a pretty heartwarming story behind that Kansas victory: a Kansas walk-on, a white kid, whose parents were told (based on a genetic test/screening) he would perhaps live only a couple of weeks after birth, and who had played only on special teams, i.e. he had never been on the field for even one offensive play, actually caught the pass in the end zone for the 2 point conversion that gave Kansas the win -- brief video about it at the link below:

Twitter/College GameDay

Sebastian Hawks said...

How did she marry a black? Usually even here there is an arranged marriage. She probably has HUGE daddy issues, explains her desire to rip down civilization itself, and instinctively procreate with the least civilized extant form on the genus homo. Shows you the character of these rebellious females who go with blacks.

I have also been watching a series of university lectures on history put up on Youtube. I can tell they were from Bush Jr's term by the mention to contemporaneous events, the Iraq War, the Polonium Sushi Incident, and John Mark Karr. Remeber John Mark Karr? The pedophile obsessed with posting on a Jon Bonet Ramsey discussion board that some lady decided "must be guilty" simply because like a typical pedophile he spends his off time discussing kids? (Yep, the arrested one where I work, he spent his spare time besides his malfeasance posting on child rearing websites kids so preoccupied his mind.) So the FBI jumped to conclusions and extradited Karr from Bangkok to big media fanfare without bothering to check that the guy had an iron clad alibi a thousand miles away at the time. Well I googled Karr to see when this went down just to date the time period the lectures I was watching were from and was astonished to learn that this Karr creep had "transitioned" and is now a "woman." Geez, wonder why the media never updated us on his story? Even in all their "transgendered" mania? Seems they don't want you to know the character of the type of pervert who decides to "become a woman."

eahilf said...

>Usually even here there is an arranged marriage.

I work in high tech and so naturally either know or have worked with a number of (dot) Indians -- I never met one whose marriage wasn't arranged -- it is literally a way of life for them.