Monday, November 15, 2021

Nation of Lost Souls

[“CG Opens Probe into NYPD Killing of Belt Parkway Driver.”]

By Eahilf
Monday, November 15, 2021 at 5:28:00 A.M. EST

Per the article, an investigation seems to be required by a new law (probably blm-related).

“Police sources have said the case appears to be suicide-by-cop.”

In a country of more than 330 million, you’re going to have a great many forlorn souls, but America seems to be producing them at an increasing rate: I suspect that the deepest and most sensitive people are left speechless by reality and leave no trace. What can you say about this world?

The nyp is currently promoting this story:

Mystery of a small-town former cheerleader who fell victim to NYC sex ring

Slusser has been missing for several years now, and is almost certainly dead.

Related (from 2018):

Man arrested for allegedly forcing missing teen into prostitution

A Manhattan man was busted for allegedly forcing a Pennsylvania woman who vanished over a year ago into prostitution, authorities said Thursday. ... Ishi Woney, 23, was charged in Manhattan federal court Thursday with sex trafficking and sexually exploiting young women, including 19-year-old Corinna Slusser, who went missing in September 2017, officials said.

I don’t know about previous coverage, but neither of the current nyp articles above include much info about Ishi Woney (rhetorical question: why not?); always lots of fotos of the missing young white woman though – but older stories do, including fotos:

“VILE EXPLOITATION” Rapper arrested for “forcing student, 20, into prostitution” before she mysteriously vanished as search continues

So he’s a rapper™.

The surname Woney is most common in Liberia—link

Another person involved:

It’s unclear who Slusser followed to New York, but she quickly linked up with Manhattan pimp Yhovanny Peguero, then 32, who allegedly started selling her to sex buyers. ... Then in Aug. 25, 2017, the pimp and Slusser had a falling out when Peguero allegedly stole $300 from her purse and slammed her against a wall and choked her when she confronted him about it, police sources have said.

A brief search produced no foto of Yhovanny Peguero – the surname Peguero is most common in the Dominican Republic (link) – he is probably black, as well.

Corinna Slusser, another kind of lost soul.


Anonymous said...

Born with many physical assets,unfortunately,a brain was not one of them.


Anonymous said...

Pimping USA is almost exclusively a negro crime. Gentlemen of leisure they call themselves. Human trafficking also a crime almost exclusively of dark skinned persons.