Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Manson Girl Leslie Van Houten was Recommended for Parole Again Today

By David in TN
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 1:00:00 A.M. EST

Leslie Van Houten was recommended for parole again today (Tuesday). This is the fifth time the Cal parole board has granted parole. Each time a governor has overturned it, three by Brown, two by Newsom.

Undoubtedly, Newsom will overturn it again. According to Van Houten’s attorney, some higher courts might try to overrule Newsom.

Some worse murderers than Van Houten have been released.


eahilf said...

The Manson 'family' was probably a CIA mind control experiment/operation just like the later Peoples Temple -- so naturally they don't want to let her out because then others will have access to her.

Anonymous said...

She's White--only blacks and illegals are released early.For Van Houten,it doesn't matter at this point,does it?Getting out,after 50 years of residing at the Greybar Hotel,isn't an "early release" by my math.Meanwhile Rodney Reed left HIS hotel after 20 years--as one example.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
With incentives like this, no wonder Moslems want to come to Europe:
I actually found out about this from an NPR show called "This American Life" that ran a story about Syrian refugees in Greece who were housed in a failed beach resort that was being used to house refugees. Quotes from the story: "There is a camp trying to set a gold standard for what refugee camps can be in Greece" "It's near a village called Mercini on the Ionian sea" "A former resort that went bankrupt - 38 bungalows and a secluded beach just for them" "With a little TLC and some water in the pool, we'd all want to stay there".

This sort of thing is a result of Greek voters putting a Syrian into office, his loyalty is to his culture, religion and people, not the people of Greece. Something we're going to be seeing much more of as these alien invaders permeate our society and gain more and more political power. I can only imagine these people posting photos online about their resort accommodations in Greece and millions of other Moslems being alerted to the kind of lavish living they can receive for pretending to be "conflict refugees". Beats herding goats for a living. Of course, reality is, most of them won't get placed in this kind of a camp but that won't stop them from believing that's what awaits them in the paradise of the West.

You can hear about it yourself here:

There are plenty of people in Europe and the US that would love nothing better than to supply the same for all alien invaders who march across the border or float over on a boat, and if they get their way, it will happen.

I just need to know how do I sign up for this when it does happen? I've always wanted to live on the beach in a resort and have somebody else foot the bill. Oh wait, I'm a White middle class taxpayer, we're the ones who foot the bill for this sort of thing, we don't get the benefits.

I often listen to NPR programs, despite the fact it is run by far left ideologues who all suffer from Trump derangement syndrome, there is a lot of interesting information and you get an insight into how the Woke actually think. It's kind of scary as well as being informative though, these people are all self hating Whites who love BLM, die-versity and condescendingly treat non Whites like mindless children who are perpetual victims of the evil White man.

Anonymous said...

Gotta really be up there in the years now. Since Charlie gone no possibility of him ordering her to do something very bad. She probably would comply.

Pax Romana said...

I remember it, like it was yesterday. It was a hot, humid August Saturday morning in Detroit in '69. I turned on our Zenith Television set to discover that something important had happened while we were sleeping. All the national networks (we only had 3 back then) ABC, NBC, and CBS, had preempted regular broadcasting with concerned and exasperated reporting about what was being described like some nightmare about a murder house of horrors. News cameras were showing the front of the house. A slaughterhouse with spurious reports about people hanging from the ceiling, a pregnant woman whose stomach was slit open, and dead bodies everywhere. Something written on the door that reporters said looked like blood. And the name of an actress I never of before, but would later find out I had seen a year or two before in a movie called 'The Fearless Vampire Killers'. Early reports are often wrong and misleading, as most of these were, but as the truth eventually came into focus, just as nightmarish and horrific. Only to be repeated to an unfortunate couple a few days later.

The nation was captivated by the news, the horrific details, and subsequent trial. We all had pictured in our minds the terrible last moments and death struggles of each of the victims. We came to know them as if they were almost distant relatives. But finely it came to the proper conclusion, as the perpetrators were found guilty and sentenced to death. A proper ending and justice for the poor victims. It was over, and the nation had closer.

Then bleeding hearts in California had the death sentences commuted to life in prison. Then more trials, with the possibility of parole. And the national wound was opened again, and carried to some degree by many of us who remember. Leslie Van Houten should have been executed a long time ago, and yet she goes on living, like most of the others, with the possibility to be free again. A temporary punishment, for crimes that sentenced their victims to painful deaths that were permanent and irrevocable.

David In TN said...

Leslie Van Houten was officially released today from the California State Prison system. The late Vincent Buglliosi, who prosecuted the Manson gang, put out a new edition of Helter Skelter in 1994. Bugliosi predicted Van Houten's likely eventual parole. She had participated in "only" one of the murder scenes.

This may be used as an excuse to let many more murderers be paroled from their "Life" sentences. Or rather Life Until Parole.

Incidentally, Larry Green, the last surviving noi/Zebra killer still in prison comes up for parole again in 2024. Van Houten's release may be used to justify turning a Zebra killer loose.