Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Breaking News Alert: Rittenhouse Lawyers Demand Mistrial, Judge Says Prosecutors aren't "Operating In Good Faith"

-----Original Message-----
From: National File News Update <>
Sent: Wed, Nov 10, 2021 4:03 p.m.

Breaking: Rittenhouse Lawyers Demand Mistrial, Judge Says Prosecutors aren't "Operating in Good Faith"


eahilf said...

>Judge Says Prosecutors aren't "Operating In Good Faith"

He could have said the same before, even about the decision to prosecute -- the judge must have seen the video showing Kyle Rittenhouse defending himself -- ?

The US now has a very serious problem of political corruption of law enforcement (vor allem the FBI), prosecutors, and courts -- included is prosecutors who abuse discretion to gut enforcement against 'criminals of color'.

Anonymous said...

A mistrial with prejudice declared by the judge means Kyle could not be tried again. I am not sure if Kyle would be then charged with federal civil rights violations. There never was a case to begin with. Clear cut case of self defense.