Monday, November 15, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse: A Hill to Die on

[“Rittenhouse Trial Analysis: Getting Jurors to Imagine ‘Provocation’ in Blurry Photo and Video – Prosecution Endgame.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Monday, November 15, 2021 at 11:25:00 A.M. EST

This verdict is as much a statement for Whites, in the ongoing battle of reclaiming racial domination, as the Chauvin case was for blacks. You knew Chauvin was going to be convicted, but not because of the facts of the case. Presently, Rittenhouse must be found not guilty in Kenosha, or we continue on the figurative self-immolating path that Whites apparently are happily locking themselves into. A pushback is needed. A not-guilty in the Arbury case would also be welcome (but not expected).

However, eleven Whites convicting Rittenhouse, would be akin to our race pouring gasoline on ourselves—while holding a lit blowtorch. I’m hoping for some solidarity here—a hill to die on (one of many coming up)–and an acquittal. Heaven help White people, if Rittenhouse is convicted.

If that occurs, the mindset would then be established: Whitey is guilty in all instances of Whites opposing liberal/blm behavior, while those same liberals and blacks get to call the shots for the foreseeable future against US. In other words, order up the rubber stamps that say “White man guilty” on them.



David In TN said...

Today Ann Coulter tweeted "I hope their are no women on the jury due to their general irrationality."

Remember the first trial of Vanessa Coleman for her part in the Knoxville Horror? I was in the courtroom and since the judge was allowing questions from the jury, I saw a couple of white female jurors practically throw their questions at the judge, which indicated they felt Coleman was mistreated.

Anonymous said...

If anyone did any provocation is was the rioters, arsonists, anarchists, looters.