Thursday, November 11, 2021

Joe Biden Egged on the Kenosha Riots

Discussion at Steve Sailer’s blog

Steve Sailer:

Teen marksman Kyle Rittenhouse more or less singlehandedly ended on the Kenosha Riots on their third night, August 25.

Dave Pinsen: You’ve nailed why the left is enraged by Rittenhouse and Wisconsin is persecuting him: his courage and effectiveness embarrasses them, and it also highlights how little Red America needs their kind of government. Left to their own devices, Trump voters can put out their own fires, and protect their neighborhoods from Biden voters. Who knows what else they can do? Better nip that thinking in the bud by throwing the book at young Kyle pour encourager les autres.

This is why it’s not enough for Rittenhouse to be acquitted. Start a Rittenhouse Scouts to train and encourage young men of good character to do likewise.

HammerJack says:
November 11, 2021 at 8:40 a.m. GMT
@Dave Pinsen

“Better nip that thinking in the bud by throwing the book at young Kyle pour encourager les autres.”

HammerJack: Speaking of, whatever happened to that Covington HS kid’s lawsuit against the Washington Post?

I’m not as excited as most people here about the Arbery and Rittenhouse cases. I wouldn’t choose either of them as hills to die on. Both involve considerable stupidity on the part of the defendants; for instance I don’t think it’s a great idea for children to grab assault rifles and head out for the nearest civil insurrection.

“AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle”

N.S.: “Both involve considerable stupidity on the part of the defendants; for instance I don’t think it’s a great idea for children to grab assault rifles and head out for the nearest civil insurrection.”

That’s one of America’s biggest problems today: Cynics who call heroism “stupidity.” If it were up to people like you, there wouldn’t be an America.

And 17 is not a child. Even if Kyle Rittenhouse weren’t a hero, I would never refer to a 17-year-old as a “child,” unless he was mentally retarded.


eahilf said...

I've stated my opinion about Sailer before: he's a civic nationalist conservatard -- I view him as worse than other conservatards because he knows both the extent of the average differences between racial groups, as well as that these differences are irremediable because they are rooted in genetics (e.g. IQ) -- yet he won't explicitly take the side of Whites, or explicitly advocate for preserving America's heritage as a majority white nation.

I used to comment rather often on Sailer's blog, but I only do it now to mock him -- some time ago another commenter answered one of my critical comments with a very good description of Sailer's writing style: wry detachment -- if you're interested in orientierungslos wry detachment, then go for it.

The problem with comments on Sailer's blog posts is that most of them are from midwits (Pinsen, whom I remember, is one of them), so many that I maxed out my ignore list.

I don't think the Rittenhouse prosecution has anything to do with 'embarrassment' -- I don't think authorities anywhere were or are 'embarrassed' by the consequences of their decisions to e.g. order cops to stand down -- I don't think the federal government claims 'white supremacist terrorism' is the greatest threat out of 'embarrassment'.

So why is he being prosecuted? -- it's an interesting, but not easy, question -- a few years ago I may have said it was due to an extreme/advanced form of racially sensitive political correctness that has arisen within the state to placate the media: other countries have state controlled media, while America has a media controlled state.

I think media promoted anti-whiteness explains it in part, but not entirely -- ? -- in the past I was reluctant to entertain the idea of, and rhetoric about, 'white genocide', but I'm more receptive to it nowadays -- certainly white majority countries are being demographically annihilated, and if that continues Whites as a race/tribe will be ruled by others -- racial democracy in southern Africa was never about democracy, it was always explicitly about black rule -- so it is in America: it's about Whites being ruled by non-whites.

In this sense I would say the malicious prosecution of Rittenhouse is more about the demoralization and subjugation of Whites.

Anonymous said...

Every time some strapping young negro thug who is a teen commits some dastardly crime the negroes always refer to the teen as a child. In some says they are chirrens. They have the body of an adult but the mind of small chirren.

Anonymous said...

" in the past I was reluctant to entertain the idea of, and rhetoric about, 'white genocide', but I'm more receptive to it nowadays"

Correct. The entire idea seems to be implausible and without merit. Ridiculous and preposterous. But then watch all the current commercials on TV. A whitey woman always with a negro man and a whitey man always with an Oriental woman. The government does want to mix the races chop suey fashion.