Thursday, November 11, 2021

Graeme Edge Dead at 80

By R.C.
Thu, Nov 11, 2021 9:49 a.m.

Graeme Edge Dead at 80


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
A sad day. The Moody Blues are one of my favorite classic rock groups. One thing I loved about them was the way they turned their backs on being an R&B type group and went in a direction back to classical music that is even more a bedrock for modern music than the black music that so called music experts claim is. Critics called the MB's pretentious, and they were, but didn't acknowledge that all "progressive art rock" type bands were pretentious, and that was part of the fun. Graeme wasn't the songwriter the others were but still made some nice contributions, his poetry could be up and down but when it worked, like the coda to Night in White Satin, it was great. I was hoping the MB's had at least one more album in them but only Justin Hayward and John Lodge are left, Ray Thomas passed away recently also and Mike Pinder is suffering from dementia. They could still do it with John and Justin alone, I hope they have the heart to do it.

Anonymous said...

Well Jerry,they did plenty already.Much great music being left behind by the great 60s group members.It makes what the Rolling Stones are doing--and Mick Jagger especially--even more amazing.At age SEVENTY-EIGHT,He's prancing around on stage,belting out the vocals as if he's 38.Keith Richards and Ron Wood seem corpse-like,but are still playing pretty good guitar.Youtube has plenty of footage.I watched many concerts live for a couple days.I give them much credit for touring the country one last time(?)