Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Gavin Newsom's Story Why He was Absent for 2 Weeks

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From: NTD News <>
To: Add1dda <>
Wed, Nov 10, 2021 7:03 a.m.

Newsom Explains Why He was Absent for Two Weeks

1 comment:

eahilf said...

>Newsom Says He was Absent to Spend Time with Children

3 of his 4 kids are definitely of school age: born 2009, 2011, 2013, and 2016 (link) -- it appears his kids attend school (link), meaning they're not homeschooled -- per the 2nd link, his kids attend private school -- the average private school is probably better than the average public school in Calif, so I understand the decision from that standpoint -- it may also be easier to provide security for them (?) -- but private schools are expensive, and there aren't enough of them, so most parents send their kids to public school, where they have to mix with all the brown third world flotsam politicians like Newsom have helped fill Calif with.

Anyway, with his kids in school during the day, how much more time could he spend with them? -- naturally not going to Scotland would help a little there -- otherwise, the story does not make a lot of sense -- but the friendly mainstream media will not question it too closely.

Since he's a politician with considerable power, it's not fair to call Newsom an NPC, but the first story makes it pretty clear he's very NPC-like in his behavior:

Newsom was last seen receiving a Moderna CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus vaccine booster dose on Oct. 27. The governor’s booster was a mix-and-match with the original regimen, which was a Johnson & Johnson (J&J) shot. ... “I am choosing not to do J&J today, not because I had any problems with J&J—in fact, it went beautifully — but to make the point about the opportunity to mix and match,” Newsom said at the time. ... After receiving the shot, Newsom, holding his vaccine record card, told his physician, “Congratulations.”


California to require Covid vaccine for schoolchildren, Newsom announces -- “This is about keeping our kids safe & healthy,” Gov. Gavin Newsom said in announcing the mandate.

Presumably it's all kids, in both public and private schools (?) -- and per his own NPC-like behavior, he will probably give the vaccine to his own kids once it's approved, i.e. no longer given to kids under an EUA.