Sunday, November 14, 2021

HCSO: Child Dies after Mother Crashes into Road Sign on Sam Houston Tollway; Multiple Kids in Car

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Nov 14, 2021 3:32 p.m.

HCSO: Child Dies after Mother Crashes into Road Sign on Sam Houston Tollway; Multiple Kids in Car

Beltway 8 Crash: Child Seriously Injured, Woman in Custody |

HCSO said five children were inside the vehicle when it crashed about 4:30 a.m. in northeast Harris County.

You might be a Mexican....


Anonymous said...

You might be a Mexican if the front part of your car is caved in.

You might be a Mexican if after you total your dilapidated vehicle,the cheap,sleazy Mex owned insurance company you signed up with pays off your claim in no more than two packets of hot sauce.

You might be a Mexican,if for whatever reason you are forced to take a cab--you're amazed to discover that not all front windshields have spiderweb-like cracks in the glass and not all rear windows are made of plastic sheet.

You might be a Mexican,if in the last 12 months,your car has gone airborne

You might be a Mexican,if during remedial driving classes to get your suspended license back,you're shocked to learn that
there's such a thing as a brake pedal

Tip of the day:If you can't read the English on traffic signs--stay the "F" off the roads.


jeigheff said...

I'm not inclined to defend Mexican drivers myself. In fact, I wonder how much they contribute to our country's traffic fatalities. But I stumbled onto this article yesterday:

Check out the chart "Traffic Deaths by Country." Russia (12.0 deaths per 100K people), USA (12.7 deaths per 100K people), and Mexico (12.8 deaths per 100K people) lead the list.

Anonymous said...

An illegal? No license. Lots of kids. Drunk. She needs to do some serious time. Then be deported.