Tuesday, November 16, 2021

cbs news and the university of chicago Support black-on-Chinese Hate Crime Murders!

Even Hyde Park is Dodge City Now: More on the Red Chinese Who’d Just Graduated with an M.S. in Stats from the University of Chicago, Who was Shot to Death in Broad Daylight by a Raceless, Faceless “Robber” Who Took Nothing; Impotent U of C Pres Speaks of a “Public Health Crisis”

Hate crime victim Dennis Zheng

[N.S.: This story is obviously out of order. The black suspect has been caught, via the POD technology that the society for the protection of colored cut-throats wants removed.]

By Eahilf
Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 3:09:00 A.M. EST

From the GWP:

The murder of Dennis Zheng took place in the posh Hyde Park neighborhood in a robbery turned murder.

This is more or less the same as calling it a “botched robbery” – rhetorical faggotry from the GWP.

University of Chicago Graduate Who was Shot and Killed in Robbery is Identified as Dennis Shaoxiong Zheng; Vigil Held at Site of His Murder

Yeah, let’s all hold another “vigil” – another kind of faggotry.

“Wow, it’s really said [sic],” said Xi, who had a closer [N.S.: lie; she had no connection to him] connection. “I kind of feel connected because we’re both from China, and I can totally understand it’s really hard for the family. ... Back in January, 30-year-old Ph.D. student Yiran Fan, 30, was shot and killed...

Dennis Zheng was perhaps a Chinese national who came here to study; maybe Yiran Fan too (I did not, and will not, try to confirm) – new wealth in China has enabled many Chinese students to study abroad (admission to top Chinese universities is extremely competitive), and the preferred destination is still the US – anecdotally, I can say that it appears many US universities are addicted to the extra money: these foreign students pay a LOT more in tuition/fees.

Many such crimes over the last few years – yes, it must be tragic for the families.

N.S.: It doesn’t look to me like a robbery at all. Apparently, the killer just felt like murdering him a Chinaman. And we know the killer was black, because the anonymous cbs news operative refused to so much as describe the color of the killer’s car.

“‘It could happen to anyone,’ one student said.”

Another liar is heard from. It couldn’t have happened to a black. The black killer was targeting an East Asian.

Will we now again hear of hateful Trump supporters targeting Asians?

Jermont Terry

By the way, I hunted down the cbs news operative. His name is Jermont Terry, and he’s black. It makes perfect sense, right? A racist black man murders a Chinese man, so you have to give the story to a … black man? A racist black man murders a White man, so you have to give the story to a black man….

A Message from University of Chicago President Paul Alivisatos on Addressing Violence in Chicago

​At youtube, @Ransom1Down went on the offensive—for the killer, that is.

“Just curious, what does mentioning the race of the assailant accomplish. Do you think it was racially motivated?” I responded,

N.S.: @Ransom1Down  As Chicago's scrappy koala says, if you won't tell us the race, you tell us the race. If the killer were White, you'd have no problem at all with identifying his race. In fact, you'd be shouting it from the rooftops, and you'd emphasize that it was a hate crime, surely carried out by a Trump supporter.

And I do believe the murder was racially motivated.

When you report a crime to the police, the first thing they ask for is the perp's sex. The second is his race. How could they possibly solve the crime, if they don't know his race? People oppose identifying black killers, because they support black killers.


Anonymous said...

University of Chicago campus surrounded by the negro ghetto. Many other major universities and college USA the same. That student foolish to venture off campus in grave mortal danger and taking a big risk. U. of C has it's own police force and can even arrest off campus. Alas this incident was probably just a thrill kill. Kill the Oriental for sport.

eahilf said...

>That student foolish to venture off campus

Ein kleiner Hinweis: the behavior of the murdered student is not the problem here.