Monday, November 08, 2021

Another Serial Killer? The Usual Suspect?

By Jerry PDX
Monday, November 8, 2021 at 4:40:00 P.M. EST

Another serial killer? The usual suspect? Yes, to both:

Those hispanic names often camouflage black criminals, kind of like black hispanic Matias Reyes, who along with the CP5 helped rape and nearly murder Tricia Meili, they get categorized in people’s minds as hispanic or latino, which they may be but they’re still black. Maybe we should call them blackspanic or blacktino..maybe latinegroes?

25-year-old Perez Reed has been charged in two murders but connected to four more, for a total of six. His killing method was shooting people to death and targets were mostly women in the sex industry, no mention of the race of his victims. Check out his smiling expression and Don King hair in the mugshot.

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