Sunday, November 14, 2021

8-Month-Old Dies after Falling Out of Moving Vehicle and being Hit by Another Car in Irving

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Nov 14, 2021 7:41 p.m.

Subject: 8-month-old dies after falling out of moving vehicle and being hit by another car in Irving, police say

1 comment:

eahilf said...

When I was a teenager I was riding my bike on a 4 lane road -- residential area, not much traffic, but 2 lanes in each direction with room for parking on both sides -- anyway, up ahead on the left, i.e. across the street from me, a car is waiting to turn left from a side street onto the road I'm riding on, to go in my direction -- a chance comes, the car swings left into my direction, about 30 yards in front, going maybe 15 mph as it turns -- suddenly a passenger side door (facing me) opens and a toddler comes flying out, tumbling into the lanes going in my direction -- I hear the woman driving scream as she stops the car and hurries around to the child who has come to rest in the right lane going in my direction, right in front of me basically -- I get there about the same time and help her pick up the little boy, sort of dust him off and check him over -- he was crying, but did not look hurt -- the woman/mother was very upset -- I suggested she have him checked out by a doctor and then got back on my bike and rode off.

>ATR: Little Mumbai in this part of Irving.

Flying from Europe to Dallas some years ago, literally half the plane was full of what looked like Indians (dot), many older -- I know from personal experience that if/when an H-1B turns into a green card and then citizenship, the parents (and maybe other relatives) will soon follow -- I found the sight disturbing.