Sunday, November 14, 2021

28-Year-Old Body-Builder Dies 4 Days after Second Moderna COVID Shot

By R.C.
Fri, Nov 12, 2021 9:07 p.m.

28-Year-Old Body-Builder Dies 4 Days after Second Moderna COVID Shot

I told you the clot shots were efficacious.


Anonymous said...

Sad that his muscular strength exceeded his mental and emotional strength--he could not take the pressure to get vaxxed. As the song from the movie Easy Rider said, "All he wanted was to be free, and that is the way it turned out to be." There are two positive aspects: the more people die from the vax, the greater the chance that more people will wake up and the mandates will be unsustainable. Second, those with the intelligence and strength of character to see through the vax scam and resist taking them are more likely to be the kind of citizen (and VOTER!) that we need. Finally, if your age and health make you at high risk from the virus, take ivermectin. Some buy it from India or Canada. If you need to save money, the same ivermectin is in the horse paste. Contrary to the lying media, it will not kill you--just take the proper size dose--my friends and family have been taking it for almost a year now--no, our skin did not fall off, we don't have a desire to gallop around, and none of us has gotten the Chinese Virus.

Sebastian Hawks said...

What gets me is that there is zero interest to study and document any of this, just complete denial and lies. For comparison at least in 1945 we knew the state of the art gasoline engines on the B-29 were a preliminary design and not ready for primetime with civilian aviation. They caught fire easily but it was an emergency situation and the flier accepted the risk for the war. The engineers worked on the problem and had safer engines in a few years. But with the current political climate with scumbag silicon valley censorship, covidian democrats, nanny state nags, they are not doing the proper studies to see what is happening and why? The vaccine is easily as glitchy as the Anthrax one the media used to go after the military 25 years ago and probably worth the informed risk for the elderly and middle aged with health conditions. But I've heard the Moderna shot in particular is given at way too high a dose, but knuckleheads like Fauci are completely inflexible with anything other than the exact same schedule used in the trials over a year ago. Just full steam ahead and no revaluation as a larger sample size comes in, no dosing size or timing changes. These covidians are hopefully going to get thrown out big time in 2022.

Anonymous said...

Combination of steroids and the shots lethal. Steroid use by body builders extreme.

Anonymous said...


SUNDAY, NOV 14, 2021 - 11:00 AM
The Biden administration is having another bad week. One day before an appeals court upheld a stay against Biden's 'vaccine-or-test' requirement for private businesses, the Oklahoma National Guard 'rescinded' the Pentagon's requirement that service members receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

On Wednesday, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt announced Army Brig. Gen. Thomas Mancino as the state's new adjutant general - replacing Army. Maj Gen. Michael Thompson, a vaccine advocate who was previously scheduled to transfer command to Mancino on Jan. 15, 2022 according to the Oklahoman.

Army Brig. Gen. Thomas Mancino issued an order halting the Oklahoma Army and Air National Guard's mandatory COVID-19 vaccine rollout on Nov. 11, 2021, less than 24 hours after his sudden appointment as the state's top general. (Oklahoma National Guard via ArmyTimes)

Mancino's first order of business? A memo formally 'rescinding' the Covid-19 vaccine requirement for Guardsmen.

"No Oklahoma Guardsman will be required to take the COVID-19 Vaccine," it reads, adding that Gov. Stitt is the force's "lawful Commander in Chief" when not mobilized by the federal government.

"No negative administrative or legal action will be taken against Guardsmen who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine."

When reached for comment, the Pentagon said they would respond "appropriately" to the memo.

"We are aware of the memo issued by the Oklahoma Adjutant General regarding COVID vaccination for Guardsmen and the governor’s letter requesting exemption. We will respond to the governor appropriately," Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told Axios in a statement, adding "That said, Secretary Austin believes that a vaccinated force is a more ready force. That is why he has ordered mandatory vaccines for the total force, and that includes our National Guard, who contribute significantly to national missions at home and abroad."

Stitt had previously requested that the Department of Defense not enforce the mandate on the state's Army and Air National Guard members. In a Nov. 2 letter cited by Mancino, Stitt said that 10% of the state's troops had refused the vaccine, and that the mandate was "irresponsible," according to the Army Times.


Anonymous said...

Army politicians are just as dumb as civilian politicians (and top military leaders ARE politicians--I have a relative who is a general so I know). A study from Sweden shows that after a period of time the fake vax actually makes people MORE apt to get Wuhan. I think the data shows that this is true almost immediately because almost everywhere the vax was pushed there was an immediate rise in cases. Vermont is said to be the most heavily vaxxed in the US and now is having a big outbreak. Waterford Ireland and Gilbralter are nearly 100% vaxxed and are having outbreaks. If it is true that the vax harms the immune system, expect big trouble this winter. Of course the small fraction that is unvaxxed will be blamed.