Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Yet Another Ex-Trump Cabinet Member Stabs Him in the Back

By Nicholas Stix

It’s (globalist) neo-con H.R. McMaster, who told that model of probity, ABC’s Jake Tapper, that it would be “very divisive,” were Trump to run again.

There are two words that should never be used in political discourse: “Divisive” and “unity.” They’re both meaningless flip sides to the same coin. You only have “unity” against a common enemy. Calling someone “divisive” simply means you’re setting him up to create “unity” among your side. Vacuous.

Now, Trump deserved this, because he hired McMaster as his national security advisor, knowing that the man stood against everything Trump claimed to believe in. Either Trump was a fool to hire McMaster, or Trump’s public utterances were a scam meant to deceive patriotic Americans.

And why did Trump even need a new national security adviser? It was because he had submitted to a defamatory campaign by Editor Jane Eisen at the Jewish weekly, The Forward, which is both anti-American and anti-Semitic, and which was depicting Trump’s national security adviser, Sebastian Gorka, as a closet Nazi.

The proper response for Trump to the campaign would have been the immortal words of Jabotinsky, “Go to hell!” Either Trump was a weakling, or he wasn’t who he claimed to be.




Anonymous said...

I don't believe Trump was a phony. I suspect he hired so many bad people because he thought if he hired insiders or people with reputations it would help him and they would help him. Instead they stabbed him in the back. He should have hired real populist pit bulls--even if no one had ever heard of them. As for unity, the hell with unity. I don't want unity with Marxists, criminals, and cowards. Instead of unity, I want what Reagan wanted when they asked about his plan for dealing with the Soviets: "We win, they lose."
Trump was the RED PILL--he showed us just how deep the deep state really was. Now we know who the enemy is. Our mistake was thinking that one man, surrounded by enemy legislatures, enemy bureaucrats, enemy media, etc. could really change things. We need to do it again, but this time we need to start at the bottom and build up. When we have legislatures, a media, and internet presence, and businesses on our side, then we put our man in the White House and take out the trash.

Anonymous said...

Trump was ill-prepared to run a government,the downfall started with whoever gave him Reince Priebus as chief of staff--I believe he was the first advisor of Trumps.Priebus then seemed to recommend all the swampsters like McMaster and others-it appeared to me.

I just read a piece from 2017 by "The Atlantic",after Priebus was fired,which claims Trump abused Priebus constantly--which I take with a half grain of salt.Once a high level member was fired by Trump,the media always treated the dumped employee as a sympathetic figure--mostly to get him to turn on Trump afterwards.

If Priebus didn't assist Trump in naming his cabinet--I'd like to know the insider that did.

Who did Trump get to choose from at the beginning--did he know any of these candidates?Of course not,he relied,I believe,on Priebus.From what we know now,the list of applicants for jobs in Washington appeared to be limited to 3 categories:swamp monsters,RINOs and leftovers from Obama that didn't want to obey Trump's agenda--period.Throw in a deranged McCain to stop Obamacare from being ended,a Speaker(Ryan)who disliked Trump's agenda and DJT was screwed harder than a White girl by a nigg*r.

He should have looked for MAGA people,but McConnell probably had a role in shooting that down--"you owe us Republicans for letting you run as one--plus if you can't play it OUR way,when you get impeached,we won't vote to acquit."

Bottom line is,they're all scheming rich bastards.I saw a stat today:Congressmen make $170,000 a year,but most take home 7 million dollars a year.

I wonder why.
Anyways,it's over now--Trump's presidency AND our country.
Good night America.