By A Colleague
Sun, Jan 10, 2021 7:39 p.m.
N.S.: In 2014, Jack Dorsey supported the racist terrorists in Ferguson, even handing them flowers.
He began terrorizing yours truly several years ago, and has banned me at least two times, the last being on June 28, 2019. Dictator Dorsey developed a form of unofficial permabanning, in which one is told he must change his password, but when he tries to do so, he is told that he has already done so, and is sent back to the earlier message. When I complained to a Twit VP, he ignored me.
At the time, I figured that the banning was part of Dorsey's preparations for the 2020 Election.
Lou Barletta's Twitter Account Suspended
His offense seems to have been expressing doubts about the election in PA. Such doubt was a major reason Trump was permanently suspended.
As a private citizen I am outraged & shocked that Twitter has decided to suspend my account. No one person or business should have the power to pick & choose what voices are heard. They can suspend my Twitter but they will not stop me from being a voice for the people of PA!
On my local news,they have a syndicated spot called "Verify",where some geeky bastard answers the day's topic of whether something is true.
Tonight,they brought up the question of free speech and if Trump being banned was a violation of free speech.
"No,"said the lawyer they asked,"the first amendment right to free speech applies only to the government--not private companies."
GRA:If however,in my opinion,the only way to communicate is through private companies,there isn't any actual first amendment is there?I'd love to know examples of government free speech--courts?I'm not sure.
jerry pdx
Eisenhower once warned about the rise of the "military industrial complex", and I wonder what he would make of things now. We are seeing something he could never have anticipated: Globalism asserting complete control of information flow and a collaboration between more traditional news outlets, that have been infiltrated by liberal ideologues, and the new internet technology in which a handful of youngish tech liberal billionaires, who believe in the agenda of globalism, have free reign to silence anybody who disagrees with them. Anyone who believes in freedom of speech, the Constitution or true individuality is shut out of having any voice in either the MSM or the new instant information propaganda tool, the internet. It's 1/2 dozen or so monopolistic platforms now control 99% of the information people see online and a few more mergers more we'll be down to 2 or 3, or one. The tech lords are not even bothering to pretend to be apolitical anymore, they are feeling their power and they like it. Eisenhower's perspective was from the 50's and I don't think he realized how much small businesses and working class would be disenfranchised and disempowered by multinational globalist corporations who have decided that destroying whiteness is more profitable than not. He should have seen that coming, the seeds were there in the 50's also, but there's no way could have known about the rise of the internet and I have to wonder how much he's spinning in his grave seeing what is happening to this country.
I wonder if our only hope at this point is if some kind of anti trust laws can be invoked and the information platform giants get broken up. I'm not a big fan of government interference in "private businesses" but in the case of the internet, it's just too powerful a tool to be in hands of a few self hating race traitors.
I doubt Trump could have pulled that one off though, and with the globalist ideologues Biden/Harris in office, there seems no chance whatsoever something like that could happen.
"one is told he must change his password, but when he tries to do so, he is told that he has already done so, and is sent back to the earlier message. "
That sounds as a hacker phishing technique. A means of gaining access to your computer at will.
jerry pdx
It occurs to me that the government taking more regulatory control over the internet to "protect free speech" is like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse, but what's the alternative? Allowing Zuckerburg, Dorsey and Bezos to continue to shape the internet into their own personal leftist ideological playground? If you had asked me before, I never would have thought that Trump could be so savagely destroyed by the media, he had enemies, as all politicians do, but he also has tremendous allies. The oil and mineral extraction industries love him as do the military and foreign allies like Israel. However, while many of his supporters are immensely rich with media influence of their own and powerful lobbies they were steamrolled by the tech billionaires and their instant propaganda tool, the worldwide web. The Dems see this to their advantage and don't care about the threats to freedom of speech, they just see political advantage. The Repubs are still in shock at the media ass whipping Trump took but fortunately the laserlike focus on Trump allowed many Repub politicians to get re elected, for now that is. Many of his supposed Repub allies turned on him I think out of fear of getting caught in the hailstorm but I can't believe they don't see the writing on the wall. The Dems feel allied with the tech lords against Republicans and if the Repubs don't wake up and do something, we'll lose what little resistance we have to globalist domination of our country, and the world. We have to win the information war, that's all there is to it, if we do not, all is lost.
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