Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Father of Communist, Marriage and Immigration Fraud Perp, Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, and Other Somalian War Crimes Perps are Currently Living Illegally in the U.S.

By R.C.
Tue, Jul 16, 2019 9:07 a.m.

R.C.: Citizenship is a curse inflicted upon us.


Anonymous said...

Bizarre gets more bizarre:
Pelosi was "briefly banned" for speaking on the House floor about President Trump,saying he was "xenophobic."
Personal attacks are not permitted against the President or lawmakers.GOP members protested and Pelosi was banned.
The bizarre part?It wasn't okay for Pelosi to make a "personal attack",but shortly afterwards,240 Democrats--as a group--voted "AYE",in calling Trump "a racist".
That was permitted.
I knew these 4 years were going to be like nothing we've ever seen before--but I may have underestimated how much entertainment Trump was going to provide.No wall,no immigration fix(thanks to the courts and ACLU),but the rest of it has been about as I expected.You have to wonder if Trump could do this for another four years at his age.This HAS to use up a lot of his energy--you almost feel like a heart attack is in his future--unless he really enjoys the daily battles.Amazing stuff.

Anonymous said...

Let me coin a new term CINO--Citizen in Name Only. These people have committed enough crimes to be deported--and as Trump said, they can't leave fast enough.