Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Another White Sacrifice? Hundreds of People Including a Presidential Candidate Spoke Out on Twitter this Week after a 17-Year-Old Black Youth was Killed at Suburban Convenience Store

By A Texas Reader
Tue, Jul 9, 2019 9:25 p.m.

Hundreds of people including a presidential candidate spoke out on Twitter this week after a 17-year-old black youth was killed at suburban convenience store, allegedly by a white man charged Tuesday with first-degree murder who has said he felt threatene


Anonymous said...

As I said elsewhere on here,Judge Holt already declared the accused white--GUILTY!He also slyly remarked,"social media is starting to get outraged(let's really get this going,by saying "outraged",three or four times in a two minute span)."
No presumption of innocence for whitey,no allowance for supposed autism.If anyone remembers "Rainman",the Dustin Hoffman
character,Raymond,would get upset with loud noise and yelling.Loud rap music definitely could trigger something similar in an individual like the "Rainman".No trial in Holt's court though,he's not interested in facts--"go rip that city apart--you Phoenix blacks.Bust into an appliance store and steal a TV or two--you deserve it."
Holt didn't go that far--yet,but it wont surprise me WHEN he says it.

Anonymous said...

Get that hate crime charge dumped on him too.That's automatic nowadays for whitey.They must not have PASSED a hate crime law that pertains to black on white murders I guess.

Anonymous said...

What black teen are they talking about. The teen looks almost white to me.

It cannot have been 1st degree murder anyhow. You have to have premeditation and also malice for it to be 1st degree under most circumstances. This was a spontaneous act I think.

Anonymous said...

Amazingly tonight,on the always clueless and factless NNN,Holt had stories on Jeffrey Epstein--including a new victim who said she,"gave Epstein massages twice a week for 2 years at $300 a massage--after that it went further--illegal and unapproved sex acts."
Bringing women on TV to say that Epstein did this to them--without proof--continues the same pattern of trying to create news by just airing something AS news.They did the same with Trump,Bill O'Reilly,Kavanaugh and anyone else they wanted to gang up on.Now Epstein has a history of this type of behavior and is probably guilty of a lot of crimes,but when NBC puts someone in front of a camera to recall a past event--it means nothing--except to further their intent:to cause pressure to build against who they're targeting at the moment--labor secretary Acosta,in this case (and Trump secondarily).If you don't think "Negro Nightly News" isn't scurrying around madly,looking for a woman to say Donald Trump and Epstein had a threesome with her when she was 13,then you're not on the same page as our dear MSM people.They may be taking auditions for the role.
Meanwhile,NNN had the audacity to air a story about an autistic teen who hated loud noise,so at his graduation,to keep him from reacting badly,the audience was told to stay quiet and not applaud.
I bring this up because yesterday,Holt convicted Michael Paul Adams on-air of murder and tried to incite Arizona blacks into some kind of reaction.I heard somewhere that Adams was labeled,"autistic",which would make sense if the rap music he heard ,triggered him the way it did.Holt,however,gave no allowance for this possible condition
and instead went for the hate crime angle.
Predictable in both cases.Instead of just reporting news,they try to mold the news into the storyline they desire.
--GR Anonymous